Profession furniture finisher

Furniture finishers treat the surface of wood furniture using hand and power tools to sand, clean and polish. They apply wood coatings onto wooden surfaces by using different techniques such as brushing or using a spray gun. They choose and apply the right coatings with protective and/or decorative purposes.

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  • Sanding techniques

    The various sanding techniques (such as gang sanding), as well as the different sanding papers necessary for which surface.

  • Types of paint

    Varieties of paint and chemicals used in their composition.


  • Sand wood

    Use sanding machines or hand tools to remove paint or other substances from the surface of the wood, or to smoothen and finish the wood.

  • Mix paint

    Thoroughly mix different types of paint manually or mechanically. Start from basic paints or from powder and mix in water or chemicals. Check the consistency of the resulting mixture.

  • Apply health and safety standards

    Adhere to standards of hygiene and safety established by respective authorities.

  • Handle chemical cleaning agents

    Ensure proper handling, storage and disposal of cleaning chemicals in accordance with regulations.

  • Stain wood

    Mix ingredients to create a stain and apply a layer to the furniture to give it a specific colour and finish.

  • Check paint consistency

    Before application of the paint, check paint viscosity by using viscosity meter.

  • Prepare furniture for application of paint

    Set up furniture for standard or custom paint job, protect any parts that should not be painted and prepare painting equipment.

  • Fix minor scratches

    Fix minor dents and scratches on the surface with touch-up paint or scratch remover.

  • Apply a protective layer

    Apply a layer of protective solutions such as permethrine to protect the product from damage such as corrosion, fire or parasites, using a spray gun or paintbrush.

  • Clean painting equipment

    Disassemble, clean, and reassemble paint sprayers and other vehicle painting equipment.

  • Apply colour coats

    Spray colour coats onto vehicle parts, operate painting equipment and leave freshly sprayed vehicles to dry in a temperature-controlled and dust-proof environment.

  • Clean wood surface

    Use a variety of techniques on a wood surface to ensure it is free of dust, sawdust, grease, stains, and other contaminants.

  • Apply wood finishes

    Use a variety of techniques to finish wood. Paint, varnish and stain wood to improve its function, durability, or appearance.

  • Create smooth wood surface

    Shave, plane and sand wood manually or automatically to produce a smooth surface.

Optional knowledge and skills

plastic resins paint spraying techniques pass on trade techniques estimate restoration costs repair furniture parts clean furniture conservation techniques repair laminated structures carve materials organic building materials fibreglass laminating paint with a paint gun apply restoration techniques sell household goods use paint safety equipment paint decorative designs identify customer's needs furniture trends remove paint operate engraving equipment woodturning evaluate restoration procedures sell furniture artificially age furniture use heat gun engrave patterns handle delivery of furniture goods decorate furniture furniture industry

Source: Sisyphus ODB