Profession harvest diver

Harvest divers perform extraction and collection of marine resources, such as algae, coral, razor shells, sea urchins and sponges, in a safe, competent and responsible manner to a depth of 12 metres, using apnoea diving techniques as well as air supply equipment from the surface, open-circuit.

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Personality Type


  • Fisheries legislation

    The study and analysis of different fisheries management approaches taking into account international treaties and industry norms in order to analyze fisheries management regulations. 


  • Maintain diving equipment

    Perform maintenance actions, including small repairs, on diving equipment.

  • Carry out standard aquaculture stock health operations

    Perform activities that ensure monitoring and implementation of aquaculture health standards and health analysis of the fish population.

  • Apply medical first aid in case of emergency

    Take immediate action if you encounter a diving accident or other medical emergency; identify the injuries due to the immersion accident and decide whether to contact medical emergency staff; minimise risk of further harm; support specialised medical staff.

  • Collect broodstock

    Collect larvae or juveniles from environment, using appropriate techniques for the specific species i.e. fish, molluscs, crustaceans or new candidates for aquaculture.

  • Manage aquatic resources

    Collect and select fish or other organisms from the culture environment. Handle, clean and classify the specimen. Prepare for harvesting and transport to the point of sale. Adapt techniques depending on the specific species, the next step in the process, and the final purpose.

  • Perform diving interventions

    Perform hyperbaric interventions at a maximum pressure of 4 atmospheres. Prepare and review the personal equipment and the auxiliary material; perform and supervise the dive; realise maintenance of the diving equipment and auxiliary material; apply the security measures to assure the divers security on the realisation of low deep immersions.

Optional knowledge and skills

maintain waterbased aquaculture facilities

Source: Sisyphus ODB