Profession ICT information and knowledge manager

ICT information and knowledge managers contribute to the definition of organisational information strategy and apply information and knowledge creation, editing, storage, and distribution policies. They manage the maintenance and evolution of structured and unstructured information. They create digital structures to enable exploitation and optimisation of information and knowledge, manage data analysis and enable business intelligence.

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  • Business processes

    Processes which an organisation applies to improve efficiency, set new objectives and reach goals in a profitable and timely manner.

  • Information extraction

    The techniques and methods used for eliciting and extracting information from unstructured or semi-structured digital documents and sources.

  • Online analytical processing

    The online tools which analyse, aggregate and present multi-dimensional data enabling users to interactively and selectively extract and view data from specific points of view.

  • Information architecture

    The methods through which information is generated, structured, stored, maintained, linked, exchanged and used.

  • Information security strategy

    The plan defined by a company which sets the information security objectives and measures to mitigate risks, define control objectives, establish metrics and benchmarks while complying with legal, internal and contractual requirements.

  • Information categorisation

    The process of classifying the information into categories and showing relationships between the data for some clearly defined purposes.

  • Decision support systems

    The ICT systems that can be used to support business or organisational decision making.

  • Data mining

    The methods of artificial intelligence, machine learning, statistics and databases used to extract content from a dataset.

  • Data models

    The techniques and existing systems used for structuring data elements and showing relationships between them, as well as methods for interpreting the data structures and relationships.

  • Business intelligence

    The tools used to transform large amounts of raw data into relevant and helpful business information.

  • Data storage

    The physical and technical concepts of how digital data storage is organised in specific schemes both locally, such as hard-drives and random-access memories (RAM) and remotely, via network, internet or cloud.

  • Unstructured data

    The information that is not arranged in a pre-defined manner or does not have a pre-defined data model and is difficult to understand and find patterns in without using techniques such as data mining.

  • Information structure

    The type of infrastructure which defines the format of data: semi-structured, unstructured and structured.


  • Deliver visual presentation of data

    Create visual representations of data such as charts or diagrams for easier understanding.

  • Assess informational needs

    Communicate with clients or users in order to identify which information they require and the methods with which they can access it.

  • Manage business knowledge

    Set up structures and distribution policies to enable or improve information exploitation using appropriate tools to extract, create and expand business mastery.

  • Structure information

    Organise information using systematic methods such as mental models and according to given standards in order to facilitate user information processing and understanding with respect to the specific requirements and characteristics of the output media.

  • Manage ICT data architecture

    Oversee regulations and use ICT techniques to define the information systems architecture and to control data gathering, storing, consolidation, arrangement and usage in an organisation.

  • Create data models

    Use specific techniques and methodologies to analyse the data requirements of an organisation's business processes in order to create models for these data, such as conceptual, logical and physical models. These models have a specific structure and format.

  • Manage information sources

    Identify relevant internal and external information sources and providers. Organise the information workflow and define information deliverables.

  • Migrate existing data

    Apply migration and conversion methods for existing data, in order to transfer or convert data between formats, storage or computer systems.

  • Analyse the context of an organisation

    Study the external and internal environment of an organisation by identifying its strengths and weaknesses in order to provide a base for company strategies and further planning.

  • Interpret current data

    Analyse data gathered from sources such as market data, scientific papers, customer requirements and questionnaires which are current and up-to-date in order to assess development and innovation in areas of expertise.

  • Manage data collection systems

    Develop and manage methods and strategies used to maximise data quality and statistical efficiency in the collection of data, in order to ensure the gathered data are optimised for further processing.

Optional knowledge and skills

implement data warehousing techniques data quality assessment utilise decision support system coordinate technological activities design information system information confidentiality assess ict knowledge interact with users to gather requirements keep up with the latest information systems solutions perform data mining data protection ensure information privacy

Source: Sisyphus ODB