Profession ICT network technician

ICT network technicians install, maintain and troubleshoot networks, data communications equipment and network installed devices such as printers and storage area networks. They also analyse and fix network-related problems reported by users.

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Personality Type


  • ICT network routing

    The processes and techniques for choosing the best paths within an ICT network through which a packet can travel.

  • ICT network cable limitations

    The limitations, such as distance limitations and resistance of types of cables, such as fibre cable, coax cable and ethernet cable which are used for realising networks.

  • ICT network security risks

    The security risk factors, such as hardware and software components, devices, interfaces and policies in ICT networks, risk assessment techniques that can be applied to assess the severity and the consequences of security threats and contingency plans for each security risk factor.

  • ICT networking hardware

    The ICT network equipment or computer networking devices, such as UPS systems, electrical systems, networking facilities and structured cabling systems.


  • Create solutions to problems

    Solve problems which arise in planning, prioritising, organising, directing/facilitating action and evaluating performance. Use systematic processes of collecting, analysing, and synthesising information to evaluate current practice and generate new understandings about practice.

  • Identify suppliers

    Determine potential suppliers for further negotiation. Take into consideration aspects such as product quality, sustainability, local sourcing, seasonality and coverage of the area. Evaluate the likelihood of obtaining beneficial contracts and agreements with them.

  • Install electronic communication equipment

    Set up and deploy digital and analogue electronic communications. Understand electronic diagrams and equipment specifications.

  • Implement ICT network diagnostic tools

    Use software tools or components that monitor ICT network parameters, such as performance and throughput, provide data and statistics, diagnose errors, failures or bottlenecks and support decision making.

  • Maintain internet protocol configuration

    Apply Internet Protocol Configuration (ipconfig) to gather data on Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) configuration values in order to identify devices and their IP addresses.

  • Install signal repeaters

    Set up and configure devices which enhance strength of signal of a communication channel to enable proper reception and reproduction in further places.

  • Use precision tools

    Use electronic, mechanical, electric, or optical precision tools for precision work.

  • Adjust ICT system capacity

    Change the scope of an ICT system by adding or reallocating additional ICT system components, such as network components, servers or storage to meet capacity or volume demands.

  • Analyse network bandwidth requirements

    Study the requirements on the transmission capacity of an ICT network or other telecommunication system.

  • Provide technical documentation

    Prepare documentation for existing and upcoming products or services, describing their functionality and composition in such a way that it is understandable for a wide audience without technical background and compliant with defined requirements and standards. Keep documentation up to date.

Optional knowledge and skills

concepts of telecommunications perform security vulnerability assessments ict system programming procurement of ict network equipment solder electronics ict debugging tools electronics principles ict security legislation network management system tools ict communications protocols migrate existing data cisco

Source: Sisyphus ODB