Profession industrial waste inspector

Industrial waste inspectors conduct controls in companies to ensure they comply with waste and environmental regulations. They check the documentation related to waste management, they collect samples for analysis and observe the industrial practices. They may advise or preventive or corrective actions to improve industrial waste management and disposal.

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Personality Type


  • Chemistry

    The composition, structure, and properties of substances and the processes and transformations that they undergo; the uses of different chemicals and their interactions, production techniques, risk factors, and disposal methods.

  • Environmental engineering

    The application of scientific and engineering theories and principles aimed at improving the environment and sustainability, such as the provision of clean habitation necessities (such as air, water, and land) for humans and other organisms, for environmental remediation in the event of pollution, sustainable energy development, and improved waste management and waste reduction methods.

  • Quality assurance procedures

    The procedures to inspect a product or system to ensure that it is according to specifications and requirements.

  • Environmental legislation

    The environmental policies and legislation applicable in a certain domain.

  • Waste management

    The methods, materials and regulations used to collect, transport, treat and dispose of waste. This includes recycling and monitoring of waste disposal.


  • Ensure compliance with environmental legislation

    Monitor activities and perform tasks ensuring compliance with standards involving environmental protection and sustainability, and amend activities in the case of changes in environmental legislation. Ensure that the processes are compliant with environment regulations and best practices.

  • Collect samples for analysis

    Collect samples of materials or products for laboratory analysis.

  • Write inspection reports

    Write the results and conclusions of the inspection in a clear and intelligible way. Log the inspection's processes such as contact, outcome, and steps taken.

  • Label samples

    Label raw material/ product samples for laboratory checks, according to implemented quality system.

  • Issue penalties to violators of the sanitation code

    Distribute penalties to facilities that violate the sanitation code or water quality regulations.

  • Manage health and safety standards

    Oversee all personnel and processes to comply with health, safety and hygiene standards. Communicate and support alignment of these requirements with the company's health and safety programmes.

  • Ensure compliance with waste legislative regulations

    Implement and monitor company procedures for the collection, transport and disposal of waste, in compliance with all regulations and legal requirements.

Optional knowledge and skills

record test data issue licences hazardous waste storage lead inspections perform laboratory tests develop non-hazardous waste management strategies communicate with external laboratories test samples for pollutants hazardous waste types provide advice on breaches of regulation review waste-treatment facilities construction plans develop hazardous waste management strategies advise on waste management procedures investigate complaints about improper waste handling inspect sewers develop environmental remediation strategies hazardous waste treatment inspect compliance with hazardous waste regulations biology inspect waste disposal facilities measure water quality parameters

Source: Sisyphus ODB