Profession letting agent

Letting agents schedule appointments with clients in order to show and lease real estate to prospective residents. They assist in marketing the property for rent through advertising and community out-reach. They are also involved in daily communication and administrative tasks.

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Personality Type

Related professions housing, renting

  • Appraiser of real estate
  • Development Manager
  • Estate agent
  • Home Manager - Assistant/Deputy
  • Housing Assistant
  • Housing Manager
  • Housing Officer
  • Neighbourhood Assistant
  • Neighbourhood Manager
  • Neighbourhood Officer
  • Pawn broker
  • Project Workers
  • Real estate developer
  • Recovery Officer
  • Rental clerk houses, apartments
  • Rental clerk, all other products
  • Residential Warden/Scheme Manager
  • Support Worker
  • Team Leader
  • Tenancy Support Worker


  • Office administration

    The paperwork processes related to the administrative areas of an office environment. The activities or processes may include financial planning, record keeping and billing and managing the general logistics of an organisation.

  • Advertising techniques

    The communication strategies intended to persuade or encourage an audience, and the different media which are used to achieve this goal.

  • Real estate market

    The trends concerning the buying, selling, or renting of property, including the land, buildings, and natural resources encompassed within the property; the categories of residential properties and properties for business purposes which such properties are traded in.

  • Property law

    The law and legislation that regulates all the different ways to handle property, such as the types of property, how to handle property disputes and property contract rules.


  • Liaise with advertising agencies

    Communicate and cooperate with advertising agencies in transmitting the goals and specifications of the marketing plan. Liaise to develop an advertising and promotional campaign that represent the aim of the marketing plan.

  • Coordinate events

    Lead events by managing budget, logistics, event support, security, emergency plans and follow up.

  • Inform on renting agreements

    Inform landlords or tenants of a property on the duties and rights of the landlord and tenant, such as the landlord's responsibility for the upkeep of the property and the eviction rights in the event of a breach of contract, and the tenant's responsibility to pay rent in a timely manner and avoid negligence.

  • Collect property financial information

    Collect information concerning the previous transactions involving the property, such as the prices at which the property had been previously sold and the costs that went into renovations and repairs, in order to obtain a clear image of the property's value.

  • Perform property market research

    Research properties in order to assess their usefulness for real estate activities, using various methods such as media research and visitation of properties, and identify the potential profitability in the development and trading of the property.

  • Fix meetings

    Fix and schedule professional appointments or meetings for clients or superiors.

  • Prospect new customers

    Initiate activities in order to attract new and interesting customers. Ask for recommendations and references, find places where potential customers can be located.

  • Identify customer's needs

    Use appropriate questions and active listening in order to identify customer expectations, desires and requirements according to product and services.

  • Coordinate advertising campaigns

    Organise course of action to promote a product or service; oversee the production of TV advertisements, newspaper and magazine ads, suggest mail packs, email campaigns, websites, stands and other advertising channels

  • Organise property viewing

    Organise events in which prospective buyers or tenants of a property can visit the property in order to assess whether it is suitable to their needs and to obtain information, and organise plans to liaise with the prospective customers in order to secure a contract.

  • Compare property values

    Obtain information on the value of properties comparable to a property which is in need of valuation in order to make more accurate appraisals and assessments, or to set or negotiate the price at which the property can be sold or leased.

  • Provide information on properties

    Provide information on the positive and negative aspects of a property and the practicalities concerning any financial transactions or insurance procedures; such as location, composition of the property, renovation or repair needs, the cost of the property and the costs related to insurance.

  • Use office systems

    Make appropriate and timely use of office systems used in business facilities depending on the aim, whether for the collection of messages, client information storage, or agenda scheduling. It includes administration of systems such as customer relationship management, vendor management, storage, and voicemail systems.

Optional knowledge and skills

examine credit ratings manage contracts advise on property value attend trade fairs assess construction compliance concurrent estate obtain financial information communicate with tenants plan marketing campaign write work-related reports present reports prepare inventory of properties develop professional network examine the conditions of buildings collect customer data communicate with customers building codes

Source: Sisyphus ODB