Profession manufacturing facility manager

Manufacturing facility managers foresee the maintenance and routine operational planning of buildings intended to be used for manufacturing activities. They control and manage health and safety procedures, supervise the work of contractors, plan and handle buildings maintenance operations, fire safety and security issues, and oversee buildings' cleaning activities.

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Personality Type


  • Supply chain management

    The flow of goods in the supply chain, movement and storage of raw materials, work-in-process inventory, and finished goods from point of origin to point of consumption.

  • Electrical power safety regulations

    The compliance with safety measures which need to be taken during the installation, operation, and maintenance of constructions and equipment which function in the generation, transmission, and distribution of electrical power, such as the appropriate safety gear, equipment handling procedures, and preventive actions.


  • Ensure equipment availability

    Ensure that the necessary equipment is provided, ready and available for use before start of procedures.

  • Make health, safety and environment assessments

    Execute health, safety and environmental assessments to ensure proper working environment and conditions.

  • Ensure inspections of facilities

    Plan and make sure that a regular inspection system is in place to ensure the facilities are fit for purpose and to prevent hazards and further risks.

  • Manage budgets

    Plan, monitor and report on the budget.

  • Liaise with managers

    Liaise with managers of other departments ensuring effective service and communication, i.e. sales, planning, purchasing, trading, distribution and technical.

  • Supervise work

    Direct and supervise the day-to-day activities of subordinate personnel.

  • Plan buildings maintenance work

    Schedule maintenance activities of property, systems and services to be deployed in public or private buildings, according to the priorities and needs of the client.

  • Adhere to organisational guidelines

    Adhere to organisational or department specific standards and guidelines. Understand the motives of the organisation and the common agreements and act accordingly.

  • Monitor contractor performance

    Manage the performance of the contractor, assess whether they are meeting the agreed standard and correct underperformance if needed.

  • Carry out energy management of facilities

    Contribute to develop effective strategies for energy management and making sure that these are sustainable for buildings. Review buildings and facilities to identify where improvements can be made in energy efficiency.

  • Manage space utilisation

    Oversee the design and development of a plan for space and facility allocation that is based on user's needs and priorities.

  • Plan health and safety procedures

    Set up procedures for maintaining and improving health and safety in the workplace.

  • Manage manufacturing facilities

    Plan, maintain, and foresee the relevant considerations for manufacturing facilities management. Ensure a steady development of strategic plans for plants and make sure they serve their functionality efficiently.

Optional knowledge and skills

apply procurement plan facilities management policies multimodal transport logistics energy performance of buildings monitor conveyor belt inspect building systems manage emergency evacuation plans manage contracts industrial engineering manage major incidents corporate social responsibility manage staff manage facilities services fire safety regulations monitor processing environment conditions facilities management in the organisation collect industrial waste ensure equipment maintenance manufacturing processes oversee logistics of finished products oversee assembly operations liaise with security authorities

Source: Sisyphus ODB