Profession miniature set designer

Miniature set designers design and build miniature props and sets of motion pictures. They build models used for visual effects that meet the look and requirements of the production Miniature set designers cut material using hand tools to construct three-dimensional props and sets.

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Personality Type


  • Graphic design

    The techniques to create a visual representation of ideas and messages.

  • Cinematography

    The science of recording light and electromagnetic radiation in order to create a motion picture. The recording can happen electronically with an image sensor or chemically on light sensitive materials such as film stock.

  • Health and safety regulations

    Necessary health, safety, hygiene and environmental standards and legislation rules in the sector of particular activity.


  • Model sets

    Produce plans, drawings and models of sets.

  • Preset props

    Arrange props on the stage in preparation of a performance.

  • Design miniature props

    Draw miniature prop sketches and define prop materials and building methods.

  • Follow work schedule

    Manage the sequence of activities in order to deliver completed work on agreed deadlines by following a work schedule.

  • Change over props

    Set, remove, or move props on a stage during a changeover.

  • Finish project within budget

    Make sure to stay within budget. Adapt work and materials to budget.

  • Design miniature sets

    Draw miniature set sketches and define set materials and building methods.

  • Create set models

    Create three-dimensional models of the envisioned set layout.

  • Build miniature sets

    Build miniature sets from a variety of materials, working with the design staff to create the appropriate prop for the production.

  • Use personal protection equipment

    Make use of protection equipment according to training, instruction and manuals. Inspect the equipment and use it consistently.

  • Consult with production director

    Consult with the director, producer and clients throughout the production and post-production process.

  • Work ergonomically

    Apply ergonomy principles in the organisation of the workplace while manually handling equipment and materials.

  • Build miniature props

    Build miniature props from a variety of materials, working with the design staff to create the appropriate prop for the production.

  • Preset miniature sets

    Arrange miniature sets in preparation of shooting.

Optional knowledge and skills

attend rehearsals lighting techniques analyse the need for technical resources work safely with pyrotechnical materials in a performance environment work with the lighting crew work with the camera crew work safely with machines photography hand props to actors ensure safety of mobile electrical systems adapt props prevent technical problems with scenic elements work with the director of photography manage supplies manage consumables stock ensure visual quality of the set film production process translate artistic concepts to technical designs work safely with chemicals draw up artistic production analyse a script adapt sets

Source: Sisyphus ODB