Profession nanny

Nannies provide qualified care services to children on the premises of the employer. They organise play activities and entertain children with games and other cultural and educative activities according to their respective age, prepare meals, give them bathes, transport them from and to school and assist them with homework on a punctual basis.

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Personality Type


  • Common children's diseases

    The symptoms, characteristics, and treatment of diseases and disorders that often affect children, such as the measles, chickenpox, asthma, the mumps, and head lice.

  • Workplace sanitation

    The importance of a clean, sanitary workspace for example through use of hand disinfectant and sanitizer, in order to minimise infection risk between colleagues or when working with children.


  • Attend to children's basic physical needs

    Tend to children by feeding them, dressing them, and, if necessary, regularly changing their diapers in a sanitary manner.

  • Promote human rights

    Promote and respect human rights and diversity in light of the physical, psychological, spiritual and social needs of autonomous individuals, taking into account their opinions, beliefs and values, and the international and national codes of ethics, as well as the ethical implications of healthcare provision, ensuring their right to privacy and honouring for the confidentiality of healthcare information.

  • Assess the development of youth

    Evaluate the different aspects of development needs of children and young people.

  • Communicate with youth

    Use verbal and non-verbal communication and communicate through writing, electronic means, or drawing. Adapt your communication to children and young people`s age, needs, characteristics, abilities, preferences, and culture.

  • Assist in children's development of basic personal skills

    Encourage and facilitate the development of children's natural curiosity and social and language abilities through creative and social activities such as storytelling, imaginative play, songs, drawing, and games.

  • Support children's wellbeing

    Provide an environment that supports and values children and helps them to manage their own feelings and relationships with others.

  • Play with children

    Engage in activities for enjoyment, tailored to children of a certain age. Be creative and improvise to amuse children with activities such as tinkering, sports or board games.

  • Maintain relations with children's parents

    Inform children`s parents of the activities planned, program`s expectations and children`s individual progress.

  • Assist children with homework

    Help children with school tasks. Assist the child with the interpretation of the assignment and the solutions. Make sure the child studies for tests and exams.

  • Handle chemical cleaning agents

    Ensure proper handling, storage and disposal of cleaning chemicals in accordance with regulations.

  • Manage children's problems

    Promote the prevention, early detection, and management of children`s problems, focusing on developmental delays and disorders, behavioural problems, functional disabilities, social stresses, mental disorders including depression, and anxiety disorders.

  • Support the positiveness of youths

    Help children and young people to assess their social, emotional and identity needs and to develop a positive self image, enhance their self esteem and improve their self reliance.

  • Supervise children

    Keep the children under supervision for a certain period of time, ensuring their safety at all times.

  • Clean surfaces

    Disinfect surfaces in accordance with sanitary standards.

Optional knowledge and skills

use cooking techniques clean rooms drive vehicles use reheating techniques iron textiles entertain people dispose waste prepare sandwiches cook pastry products baby care feed pets provide first aid demonstrate when teaching prepare ready-made dishes use gardening equipment assist students in their learning disability care carry out wound care buy groceries give constructive feedback use food preparation techniques

Source: Sisyphus ODB