Profession passport officer

Passport officers provide passports and other travel documents such as certificates of identity and refugee travel documents. They also keep record of all provided passports.

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Personality Type


  • Fraud detection

    The techniques used to identify fraudulous activities.


  • Check official documents

    Check an individuals' official documentation, such as driver's licenses and identification, to ensure compliance with legal regulations, and to identify and assess individuals.

  • Monitor customer service

    Ensure all employees are providing excellent customer service in accordance to company policy.

  • Comply with legal regulations

    Ensure you are properly informed of the legal regulations that govern a specific activity and adhere to its rules, policies and laws.

  • Use communication techniques

    Apply techniques of communication which allow interlocutors to better understand each other and communicate accurately in the transmission of messages.

  • Keep records of passports

    Keep track of the passports and other travel documents such as certificates of identity and refugee travel documents which have been already issued.

  • Process applications

    Deal with requests for passports and other travel documents such as certificates of identity and refugee travel documents in accordance with policy and legislation.

Optional knowledge and skills

respond to enquiries use microsoft office think analytically create solutions to problems show empathy keep task records liaise with colleagues use different communication channels ensure proper document management listen actively tolerate stress

Source: Sisyphus ODB