Profession photographer

Photographers take pictures using digital or film cameras and equipment. Photographers may develop negatives or use computer software in order to produce finished images and prints.

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Personality Type


  • Set up cameras

    Put cameras in place and prepare them for use.

  • Create digital images

    Create and process two-dimensional and three-dimensional digital images depicting animated objects or illustrating a process, using computer animation or modelling programs.

  • Set up photographic equipment

    Choose the best position and orientation of the camera to capture the scene, along with other necessary equipment.

  • Develop visual elements

    Imagine and apply visual elements such as line, space, colour, and mass to express emotions or ideas.

  • Select photographic equipment

    Select appropriate photographic equipment and background properties, and adapt it according to subjects, materials, and conditions.

  • Prepare personal work environment

    Correct settings or positions for your working instruments and adjust them before starting operations.

  • Determine image composition

    Determine image composition, select and adjust subjects, equipment and lighting to achieve desired effects.

  • Select photos

    Review sets of images and select the best work.

  • Develop an artistic framework

    Develop a specific framework for research, creation and completion of artistic work.

  • Select auxiliary equipment for photographic work

    Bring the appropriate auxiliary equipment according to the environment of the photographic work, whether you are stationary or mobile. Make sure you are prepared to capture the desired motif.

  • Maintain photographic equipment

    Execute maintenance tasks to keep photographic equipment functioning properly.

  • Test photographic equipment

    Test photographic equipment, tools and accessories.

  • Operate a camera

    Capture moving images with a camera. Operate the camera skilfully and safely to obtain high quality material.

  • License photo usage

    License the use of images through stock photo agencies.

  • Create artificial light

    Create and set up artificial light sources using flashlights, screens and reflectors.

Optional knowledge and skills

communicate with youth swim prepare digital art for master photograph set up photographic exhibitions brand marketing techniques organise product display measure light levels develop educational activities mount photos landscape architecture handle art wildlife sporting events edit negatives load film care for food aesthetic create infrared imagery direct photographic workers home decoration techniques art collections advertising techniques collaborate with a technical staff in artistic productions select camera apertures architectural design edit photographs attend events advise customers on photography research new photographic procedures develop artistic project budgets conduct extensive international travel develop film use photographic equipment social media marketing techniques digital marketing techniques scan photos

Source: Sisyphus ODB