Profession poultry sexer

Poultry sexers are specialists working in poultry farms determining the sex of the animals to separate the male from the female birds. 

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Personality Type


  • Biosecurity

    Be aware of the general principles of the concept of bio-security and in particular, the disease prevention rules to be implemented in case of epidemics endangering public health.

  • Animal welfare legislation

    The legal boundaries, codes of professional conduct, national and EU regulatory frameworks and legal procedures of working with animals and living organisms, ensuring their welfare and health.

  • Livestock selection principles

    Selection criteria of livestock and determination of livestock classes.  


  • Safely interact with animals

    Ensure a safe and humane interaction with the animal avoiding factors that will negatively affect their behaviours. This includes the use of humane training aids/equipment, as well as explaining their use to owners/keepers, to ensure they are used appropriately and the welfare of the animal is protected.

  • Manage animal hygiene

    Plan and use appropriate hygiene measures to prevent transmission of diseases and ensure an effective overall hygiene. Maintain and follow hygiene procedures and regulations when working with animals, communicate site hygiene controls and protocols to others. Manage the safe disposal of waste according to destination and local regulations.

  • Select livestock

    Tag, sort and separate animals by purpose and destination taking into account the condition of the animal and relevant legislation

  • Catch poultry

    Catching the poultry for examination, handling or movement.

  • Determine the sex of the animal

    Determine the sex of an animal.

Optional knowledge and skills

manage the health and welfare of livestock animal species livestock feeding monitor livestock animal nutrition livestock species feed livestock control livestock disease livestock reproduction quality criteria for livestock feed production livestock farming systems

Source: Sisyphus ODB