Profession sales support assistant

Sales support assistants perform a variety of general sales support tasks, such as supporting the development of sales plans, managing clerical activities of sales efforts, verifying client invoices and other accounting documents or records, compiling data, and preparing reports for other company departments.

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Personality Type


  • Bookkeeping regulations

    The methods and regulations involved in the process of accurate bookkeeping.

  • Sales activities

    The supply of goods, sale of goods and the related financial aspects. The supply of goods entails the selection of goods, import and transfer. The financial aspect includes the processing of purchasing and sales invoices, payments etc. The sale of goods implies the proper presentation and positioning of the goods in the shop in terms of acessibility, promotion, light exposure.


  • Handle mail

    Handle mail considering data protection issues, health and safety requirements, and specifications of different kinds of mail.

  • Perform office routine activities

    Program, prepare, and perform activities required to be performed everyday in offices such as mailing, receiving supplies, updating managers and employees, and keeping operations running smoothly.

  • Perform business research

    Search and collect information relevant for the development of businesses in different fields ranging from legal, accounting, finance, up to commercial matters.

  • Perform clerical duties

    Perform administrative tasks such as filing, typing up reports and maintaining mail correspondence.

Optional knowledge and skills

keep records on sales analyse customer service surveys manage accounts carry out sales analysis issue sales invoices order supplies process refunds check accounting records customer service implement sales strategies

Source: Sisyphus ODB