Profession school bus attendant

School bus attendants monitor the activities on schoolbuses to ensure and supervise the students' safety and good behaviour. They help children on and off the bus, support the driver and provide assistance in case of emergency.

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Personality Type


  • Passenger transport regulations

    Have knowledge of passenger transport conventions and regulations.

  • Health and safety measures in transportation

    The body of rules, procedures and regulations related to health and safety measures intended to prevent accidents or incidents in transportation.


  • Adhere to organisational guidelines

    Adhere to organisational or department specific standards and guidelines. Understand the motives of the organisation and the common agreements and act accordingly.

  • Monitor student's behaviour

    Supervise the student's social behaviour to discover anything unusual. Help solve any issues if necessary.

  • Assist passengers

    Provide help to people getting in and out of their car or any other transportation vehicle, by opening doors, provide physical support or hold belongings.

  • Communicate with youth

    Use verbal and non-verbal communication and communicate through writing, electronic means, or drawing. Adapt your communication to children and young people`s age, needs, characteristics, abilities, preferences, and culture.

  • Cooperate with colleagues

    Cooperate with colleagues in order to ensure that operations run effectively.

  • Supervise children

    Keep the children under supervision for a certain period of time, ensuring their safety at all times.

  • Apply conflict management

    Take ownership of the handling of all complaints and disputes showing empathy and understanding to achieve resolution. To be fully aware of all Social Responsibility protocols and procedures, and to be able to deal with a problem gambling situation in a professional manner with maturity and empathy.

Optional knowledge and skills

road traffic laws help to control passenger behaviour during emergency situations cooperate with education professionals provide first aid show consideration for student's situation common children's diseases use communication devices assist social service users with physical disabilities escort students on a field trip tend to passenger belongings ensure vehicles are equipped with accessibility equipment

Source: Sisyphus ODB