Profession search engine optimisation expert

Search engine optimisation experts increase the ranking of a company's web pages with regard to target queries in a search engine. They create and launch SEO campaigns and identify areas of improvement. Search engine optimisation experts may conduct pay per click (PPC) campaigns.

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Personality Type


  • Keywords in digital content

    The digital tools to conduct keyword research. The information retrieval systems identify the content of a document guided by keywords and metadata.

  • Web analytics

    The characteristics, tools and techniques for measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of web data to get information on the users' behaviour and to improve the performance of a website.

  • Sales strategies

    The principles concerning customer behaviour and target markets with the aim of promotion and sales of a product or a service.

  • Social media marketing techniques

    The marketing methods and strategies used to increase attention and website traffic through social media channels.

  • Content marketing strategy

    The process of creation and share of media and publishing content in order to acquire customers.


  • Use customer relationship management software

    Use specialised software to manage company’s interactions with current and future customers. Organise, automate and synchronise sales, marketing, customer service, and technical support, to increase targeted sales.

  • Manage content development projects

    Plan and implement the creation, delivery and management of digital or printed content, develop a system that describes the entire editorial content development and publishing process and use ICT tools to support the process.

  • Provide written content

    Communicate information in written form via digital or print media according to the needs of the target group. Structure the content according to specifications and standards. Apply grammar and spelling rules.

  • Apply social media marketing

    Employ website traffic of social media such as Facebook and Twitter to generate attention and participation of existing and potential customers through discussion forums, web logs, microblogging and social communities for gaining a quick overview or insight into topics and opinions in the social web and handle inbound leads or inquiries.

  • Enhance website visibility

    Promote the website to users, business partners and search engines. Optimise the website exposure to search engines, send out emails, determine pricing and policies and conduct marketing actions.

  • Conduct search engine optimisation

    Execute optimal marketing research and strategies on search engine processes, also known as search engine marketing (SEM), in order to increase online traffic and website exposure.

  • Integrate content into output media

    Compile and integrate media and text content into online and offline systems, such as websites, platforms, applications and social media, for publishing and distribution.

  • Perform online data analysis

    Analyse online experiences and online data for purposes of understanding user behaviour, triggers of online attention, and other factors that could optimise webpage development and exposure.

Optional knowledge and skills

use content management system software study website behaviour patterns perform market research create content title digital marketing techniques mobile marketing identify ict user needs translate requirement concepts into visual design execute email marketing use different communication channels plan digital marketing provide cost benefit analysis reports behavioural science

Source: Sisyphus ODB