Profession secretary general

Secretaries general head international governmental or nongovernmental organisations. They supervise staff, direct policy and strategy development, and function as main representative of the organisation.

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Personality Type


  • Budgetary principles

    Principles of estimating and planning of forecasts for business activity, compile regular budget and reports.

  • Audit techniques

    The techniques and methods that support a systematic and independent examination of data, policies, operations and performances using computer-assisted audit tools and techniques (CAATs) such as spreadsheets, databases, statistical analysis and business intelligence software.

  • Project management principles

    Different elements and phases of project management.

  • Bookkeeping regulations

    The methods and regulations involved in the process of accurate bookkeeping.


  • Perform project management

    Manage and plan various resources, such as human resources, budget, deadline, results, and quality necessary for a specific project, and monitor the project's progress in order to achieve a specific goal within a set time and budget.

  • Apply conflict management

    Take ownership of the handling of all complaints and disputes showing empathy and understanding to achieve resolution. To be fully aware of all Social Responsibility protocols and procedures, and to be able to deal with a problem gambling situation in a professional manner with maturity and empathy.

  • Conduct financial audits

    Evaluate and monitor the financial health, the operations and financial movements expressed in the financial statements of the company. Revise the financial records to ensure stewardship and governability.

  • Manage staff

    Manage employees and subordinates, working in a team or individually, to maximise their performance and contribution. Schedule their work and activities, give instructions, motivate and direct the workers to meet the company objectives. Monitor and measure how an employee undertakes their responsibilities and how well these activities are executed. Identify areas for improvement and make suggestions to achieve this. Lead a group of people to help them achieve goals and maintain an effective working relationship among staff.

  • Represent the organisation

    Act as representative of the institution, company or organisation to the outside world.

  • Delegate activities

    Delegate activities and tasks to others according to the ability, level of preparation, competence and legal scope of practice. Make sure that people understand what they should do and when they should do it.

Optional knowledge and skills

liaise with local authorities advise on legislative acts build community relations legislation procedure build international relations manage budgets prepare presentation material public finance government policy implementation develop international cooperation strategies implement strategic management establish collaborative relations manage administrative systems manage government policy implementation think analytically

Source: Sisyphus ODB