Profession shotfirer

Shotfirers set up and safely detonate explosives at a site in order to blast and break up in situ material.

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Personality Type


  • Electricity

    Understand the principles of electricity and electrical power circuits, as well as the associated risks.

  • Explosives

    Behaviour of explosives, pyrotechnics and blasting techniques. Associated risks and legal requirements.


  • Check borehole depth

    Check the depth of boreholes; make sure that they are clean.

  • Connect blasting circuit

    Connect, inspect and test the blasting circuit.

  • Examine area after blast

    Control blast area to check whether all explosives were safely detonated; declare blast area safe.

  • Make independent operating decisions

    Make immediate operating decisions as necessary without reference to others, taking into account the circumstances and any relevant procedures and legislation. Determine alone which option is the best for a particular situation.

  • Report misfires

    Report misfires to relevant parties, such as the mine shift coordinator, legal inspection personnel, and the explosives manufacturer.

  • Examine prospective blast area

    Thoroughly examine explosion areas; determine the appropriate amount of explosives required; ensure compliance to safety regulations.

  • Signal for explosion

    Set safety perimeter and safety signalisation around blast area; ensure that blast site is clear and safe before explosions.

  • Safely detonate explosives

    Follow procedures in safely detonating explosives for mining purposes.

  • Manage explosives in accordance with legislation

    Manage explosives in accordance with explosives law, including tracking and control of the magazine.

  • Work ergonomically

    Apply ergonomy principles in the organisation of the workplace while manually handling equipment and materials.

  • Follow health and safety procedures in construction

    Apply the relevant health and safety procedures in construction in order to prevent accidents, pollution and other risks.

  • Insert charges into drill holes

    Transport explosives and safely load explosives into drill holes.

  • Troubleshoot

    Identify operating problems, decide what to do about it and report accordingly.

Optional knowledge and skills

provide first aid impact of geological factors on mining operations report outcome of blast health and safety hazards underground

Source: Sisyphus ODB