Profession sport official

Sports referees officiate in sporting events to ensure they are successful according to established rules.

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Personality Type

Related professions sports

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  • Sports coach, trainer
  • Sports official
  • Swimming instructor
  • Ticket collector


  • Listen actively to sport players

    Give attention to what players and participants are saying, understand the issues raised, and ask questions when necessary. Sport officials need to display professionalism, integrity and ethical conduct.

  • Assess the quality of sport competitions

    Evaluate the quality of sport competitions and communicate judgements consistently.

  • Develop professional network

    Reach out to and meet up with people in a professional context. Find common ground and use your contacts for mutual benefit. Keep track of the people in your personal professional network and stay up to date on their activities.

  • Interpret sport games rules

    Interpret the rules and laws as an official, safeguarding the spirit of the sport activity and competition.

  • Apply sport games rules

    Develop and sustain the ability to apply rules, within the spirit of the sport activity and competition, and in a professional and respectful manner.

  • Monitor own performance as a sports official

    Critically monitor own performance after a competition or event to continually improve own officiating skills, including mental skills requirements.

  • Communicate information during sport game

    Use a range of communication strategies to provide adapted information as an official to sport competitors and participants. Minimise conflict and deal with disagreement effectively. Take into consideration the sport competition environment and the social perceptiveness of the audience when formulating the message.

  • Create relationships with sport competitors

    Establish and cultivate relationships with competitors and their representatives while abiding by competition rules.

Optional knowledge and skills

establish relationship with the media

Source: Sisyphus ODB