Profession Tailor
Tailors fabricate, fit, alter and repair tailored or hand-made clothing. They produce made-to-measure clothing such as suits, overcoats, and dresses from textile fabrics, light leather, fur and other material, or make hats or wigs according to customer’s and clothing manufacturer’s specifications.
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Personality Type
Related professions textile, leather, carpeting
- Artificial flower maker
- Carpet printer
- Carpets machine operator
- Embroiding machine operator
- Furrier or related worker
- Handicraft weaver, knitter, embroiderer
- Handicraft worker in basketry or brushes
- Handicraft worker in textile or related materials
- Hatter
- Knitting machine operator
- Machine operator, all other textile-products
- Mattress maker
- Net maker
- Sail maker
- Shoemaking machine operator
- Silk-screen printer
- Tent maker
- Textile chemist
- Textile designer
- Textile ironing worker
- Textile pattern-maker or cutter
- Textile printer
- Textile products assembler
- Weaving machine operator
Source: Sisyphus ODB