Profession telephone switchboard operator

Telephonists operate telephone communications switchboards and consoles to establish telephone connections, receive caller inquiries and service problem reports, and record and relay messages to staff or clients.

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Personality Type

Related professions reception, telephone

  • Receptionist
  • Telephone switchboard operator


  • Electronic communication

    Data communication performed through digital means such as computers, telephone or e-mail.


  • Use communication devices

    Operate communication devices in order to interact with customers, colleagues, and others.

  • Redirect callers

    Answer the phone as first contact person. Connect callers to the correct department or person.

  • Answer incoming calls

    Respond to customers' inquiries and provide customers with appropriate information.

  • Use computer telephony integration

    Utilise technology that allows interaction between telephone and computer. Enable call services directly within a desktop environment.

  • Maintain telephony system

    Prevent telephone faults. Report to the electricians for changing of the equipment and manage telephone installations and moves. Maintain voice-mail system which includes adding, deleting mailboxes and managing security codes and provide voicemail instruction for staff.

  • Communicate by telephone

    Liaise via telephone by making and answering calls in a timely, professional and polite manner.

Optional knowledge and skills

concepts of telecommunications respond to customers' inquiries greet guests handle helpdesk problems monitor communication channels' performance ict communications protocols install electronic communication equipment

Source: Sisyphus ODB