Profession toymaker

Toymakers create or reproduce hand-made objects for sale and exhibition made of various materials such as plastic, wood and textile. They develop, design and sketch the object, select the materials and cut, shape and process the materials as necessary and apply finishes. In addition, toymakers maintain and repair all types of toys, including mechanical ones. They identify defects in toys, replace damaged parts and restore their functionality.

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Personality Type


  • Woodworking tools

    The various tools used to process wood, such as planers, chisels and lathes.

  • Types of brushes

    Tools with bristles used for a wide variety of purposes such as cleaning, painting, putting on make up and grooming hair. Materials used for bristles include animal hair, synthetic fibers and plastic. Various shapes exist such as cylindrical brushes and twisted-in wire brushes for cleaning brushes, and flat, round or mop for painting brushes.

  • Toys and games categories

    Categories and age limits of games and toys.

  • Toys and games safety recommendations

    Safety instructions of games and toys, according to the materials they are composed of.

  • Sanding techniques

    The various sanding techniques (such as gang sanding), as well as the different sanding papers necessary for which surface.

  • Types of toy materials

    Field of information which distinguishes the nature and different types of toy materials, such as wood, glass, plastic, steel, etc.

  • Woodworking processes

    Steps in the processing of wood for the manufacturing of wooden articles and types of machines used for these processes such as drying, shaping, assembling and surface finishing.


  • Assemble toys

    Fit body parts and accessories together using different tools and techniques depending on the toy materials such as gluing, welding, screwing or nailing.

  • Use tools for toy repair

    Utilise hand and power tools such as screwdrivers, pliers, hammers and mallets to repair toys.

  • Repair toys

    Replace or fabricate parts of toys, from all kinds of materials. Order these from different manufacturers and suppliers or several kinds of stores.

  • Apply a protective layer

    Apply a layer of protective solutions such as permethrine to protect the product from damage such as corrosion, fire or parasites, using a spray gun or paintbrush.

  • Estimate restoration costs

    Estimate the cost implications of restoring and replacing products or parts.

  • Operate battery test equipment

    Operate equipment used for battery testing, such as a soldering iron, a battery tester, or a multimeter. Detect flaws affecting the battery's performance, test the battery's capacity for accumulating charge, or test its voltage output.

  • Maintain equipment

    Regularly inspect and perform all required activities to maintain the equipment in functional order prior or after its use.

  • Ensure quality of final product

    Ensure that finished products meet or exceed company specifications.

  • Maintain records of maintenance interventions

    Keep written records of all repairs and maintenance interventions undertaken, including information on the parts and materials used, etc.

  • Replace defect components

    Remove defective parts and replace them with functioning components.

  • Maintain customer service

    Keep the highest possible customer service and make sure that the customer service is at all times performed in a professional way. Help customers or participants feel at ease and support special requirements.

  • Pack goods

    Pack different kinds of goods such as finished manufactured products or goods in use. Pack goods by hand in boxes, bags and other types of containers.

  • Operate sandblaster

    Operate an abrasive blaster using sand to erode and smoothen a rough surface.

  • Inspect toys and games for damage

    Identify damage and cracks in games and toys in the store; take appropriate actions to remedy.

  • Provide customer follow-up services

    Register, follow-up, solve and respond to customer requests, complaints and after-sales services.

  • Extract products from moulds

    Remove finished products from moulds and examine them in detail for anomalies.

  • Use repair manuals

    Apply the information, such as periodic maintenance charts, step by step repair instructions, troubleshooting information and overhaul procedures to perform routine maintenance and repairs.

Optional knowledge and skills

operate wood sawing equipment maintain relationship with suppliers manipulate plastic operate handheld riveting equipment adhesives assemble electronic units types of wood maintain plastic machinery manipulate wood estimate restoration costs of antique items toys and games industry mark designs on metal pieces repair plastic machinery keep stock records develop product design negotiate supplier arrangements toys and games trends join metals manipulate metal operate welding equipment identify customer's needs electronics cut textiles order supplies ensure compliance with warranty contracts create smooth wood surface heat metals operate soldering equipment develop professional network operate plastic machinery assemble plastic parts perform toys finishing stuff toys metal smoothing technologies join wood elements manage schedule of tasks cut metal products casting processes apply stitching techniques assemble metal parts textile materials sell toys and games manage a small-to-medium business sew textile-based articles types of plastic finish plastic products set up the controller of a machine demonstrate functionality of toys and games maintain professional administration issue sales invoices use painting equipment manual cutting processes for leather

Source: Sisyphus ODB