Profession water treatment plant manager

Water treatment plant managers supervise water treatment, storage and distribution in a water plant. They ensure the plant's operations are compliant with regulation, and supervise staff. They also implement new policies, and oversee equipment maintenance.

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Personality Type

Related professions utilities

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  • Waste water plant operator
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  • Manufacturing processes

    The steps required through which a material is transformed into a product, its development and full-scale manufacturing.

  • Water policies

    Have a solid understanding of policies, strategies, institutions, and regulations concerning water.


  • Negotiate supplier arrangements

    Reach an agreement with the supplier upon technical, quantity, quality, price, conditions, storage, packaging, send-back and other requirements related to the purchasing and delivering process.

  • Report on production results

    Report on production to the hierarchy. Mention a specified set of parameters, such as amount produced and timing, and any issues or unexpected occurrences.

  • Follow company standards

    Lead and manage according to the organisation's code of conduct.

  • Manage water distribution procedures

    Ensure the supply systems are maintained and the operations occur efficiently and in compliance with regulations to ensure proper distribution and supply of water from the facility.

  • Manage water quality testing

    Direct the procedures surrounding the testing and quality analysis of water and subsequent purification procedures by managing operations from collection of samples to laboratory testing, managing staff, and ensuring compliance with legislation.

  • Create manufacturing guidelines

    Draft procedures and guidelines to ensure that government and industry regulations are met by manufacturers in both international and domestic markets.

  • Ensure equipment maintenance

    Ensure that the equipment required for operations is regularly checked for faults, that routine maintenance tasks are performed, and that repairs are scheduled and performed in the case of damage or flaws.

  • Meet deadlines

    Ensure operative processes are finished at a previously agreed-upon time.

  • Develop manufacturing policies

    Develop policies and procedures applied in manufacturing with the aim of improving competitiveness and capabilities of the industry.

  • Strive for company growth

    Develop strategies and plans aiming at achieving a sustained company growth, be the company self-owned or somebody else's. Strive with actions to increase revenues and positive cash flows.

  • Manage budgets

    Plan, monitor and report on the budget.

  • Ensure proper water storage

    Ensure that correct procedures are followed and the required equipment is present and functional for the storage of water prior to treatment or distribution.

  • Manage supplies

    Monitor and control the flow of supplies that includes the purchase, storage and movement of the required quality of raw materials, and also work-in-progress inventory. Manage supply chain activities and synchronise supply with demand of production and customer.

  • Define manufacturing quality criteria

    Define and describe the criteria by which data quality is measured for manufacturing purposes, such as international standards and manufacturing regulations.

  • Plan health and safety procedures

    Set up procedures for maintaining and improving health and safety in the workplace.

  • Manage staff

    Manage employees and subordinates, working in a team or individually, to maximise their performance and contribution. Schedule their work and activities, give instructions, motivate and direct the workers to meet the company objectives. Monitor and measure how an employee undertakes their responsibilities and how well these activities are executed. Identify areas for improvement and make suggestions to achieve this. Lead a group of people to help them achieve goals and maintain an effective working relationship among staff.

  • Ensure equipment availability

    Ensure that the necessary equipment is provided, ready and available for use before start of procedures.

  • Liaise with managers

    Liaise with managers of other departments ensuring effective service and communication, i.e. sales, planning, purchasing, trading, distribution and technical.

  • Adhere to organisational guidelines

    Adhere to organisational or department specific standards and guidelines. Understand the motives of the organisation and the common agreements and act accordingly.

Optional knowledge and skills

supervise waste water treatments ensure compliance with environmental legislation inform on water supply monitor legislation developments environmental legislation prepare timelines for pipeline development projects maintain water treatment equipment develop water purification methods set management priorities in pipeline networks supervise laboratory operations develop water supply schedule recruit employees supervise waste disposal monitor automated machines coordinate environmental efforts use personal protection equipment train employees measure water quality parameters ensure regulatory compliance in pipeline infrastructures hire new personnel liaise with local authorities manage water treatment water chemistry analysis water reuse

Source: Sisyphus ODB