Profession woodcarver

Woodcarvers manually shape wood into the desired shape using equipment like knives, gouges and chisels. Woodcarvers produce wooden products to serve as decoration, to be integrated into a composite product, as utensils or as toys.

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  • Wood cuts

    Different ways of cutting wood, across the grain or parallel with it, and radial or tangential to the core. The behaviour of cuts of wood under different circumstances and the optimal cut for a given purpose. Influence of special attributes of the wood, like knots or defects.

  • Woodworking processes

    Steps in the processing of wood for the manufacturing of wooden articles and types of machines used for these processes such as drying, shaping, assembling and surface finishing.

  • Woodworking tools

    The various tools used to process wood, such as planers, chisels and lathes.


  • Operate wood sawing equipment

    Operate various machinery and equipment to cut wood in different sizes and shapes.

  • Turn wood

    Turn wood in chiefly two methods, spindle and faceplate turning. The key difference between these two is the orientation of the wood grain relative to the axis of the lathe.

  • Join wood elements

    Bind wooden materials together using a variety of techniques and materials. Determine the optimal technique to join the elements, like stapling, nail, gluing or screwing. Determine the correct work order and make the joint.

  • Carve materials

    Carve an object out of a material such as wood, or give a specific shape to a material by carving it.

  • Use wood carving knives

    Use specialised and custom made knives, gouges, and chisels to carve out and cut objects from wooden or paper surfaces.

  • Tend lathe

    Tend a lathe designed for cutting manufacturing processes on metal, wooden, plastic materials and others, monitor and operate it, according to regulations.

  • Maintain edged hand tools

    Identify and repair defects in a hand tool handle or shaft. Ensure the tool is in safe working condition. Identify defective and dull cutting edges in tools and use appropriate equipment to sharpen them. Store tools correctly to maintain condition and usage safety.

  • Clean wood surface

    Use a variety of techniques on a wood surface to ensure it is free of dust, sawdust, grease, stains, and other contaminants.

  • Recognise signs of wood rot

    Check whether a wood element shows signs of rot. Aurally inspect the wood by testing what sound it makes on impact. Check for visual signs of rot.

  • Manipulate wood

    Manipulate the properties, shape and size of wood.

  • Apply wood finishes

    Use a variety of techniques to finish wood. Paint, varnish and stain wood to improve its function, durability, or appearance.

  • Check quality of raw materials

    Check the quality of basic materials used for the production of semi-finished and finished goods by assessing some of its characteristics and, if needed, select samples to be analysed.

  • Sand wood

    Use sanding machines or hand tools to remove paint or other substances from the surface of the wood, or to smoothen and finish the wood.

Optional knowledge and skills

sell furniture dye wood manage supplies engrave patterns answer requests for quotation operate manual planer store products maintain equipment operate engraving equipment decorate furniture keep personal administration prepare workpieces for engraving design objects to be crafted technical drawings prepare workpieces for etching stain wood negotiate supplier arrangements apply restoration techniques estimate restoration costs advise customers on wood products sell household goods use painting equipment clean engraved areas evaluate restoration procedures treat wood dry wood

Source: Sisyphus ODB