Profession airport maintenance technician

Airport maintenance technicians are in charge of the maintenance of all equipment necessary for ensuring the functionality of the airport, for example, visual aids, airport electrical systems, luggage systems, security systems, pavements, drainage, and maintenance of unpaved areas.

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Personality Type


  • Airport safety regulations

    Know airport safety regulations and instructions.


  • Use different communication channels

    Make use of various types of communication channels such as verbal, handwritten, digital and telephonic communication with the purpose of constructing and sharing ideas or information.

  • Work in an aviation team

    Work confidently in a group in general aviation services, in which each individual operates in their own area of responsibility to reach a common goal, such as a good customer interaction, air safety, and aircraft maintenance.

  • Identify airport safety hazards

    Spot threats related to security at the airport and apply procedures to counteract them in a quick, safe, and efficient way.

  • Report airport security incidents

    Compose comprehensive reports on airport security incidents, such as the detaining of unruly travellers, confiscation of luggage items, or damaging of airport property.

  • Perform manual work autonomously

    Show the ability to pursue basic manual tasks without the help or assistance of others, not needing supervision or guidance, and taking responsibility for one's actions.

  • Apply airport standards and regulations

    Know and apply the accepted standards and regulations for European airports. Apply knowledge to enforce airport rules, regulations, and the Airport Safety Plan.

  • Follow given instructions

    Follow instructions to achieve goals and meet deadlines.

  • Interact with airport stakeholders

    Meet government officials, environmental experts, developers, special interest groups as well as the general public, airport users, and other stakeholders, in order to assess different services, facilities, and the usability of the airport.

  • Show confidence

    Demonstrate degrees of maturity by fully understanding one's own qualities and abilities which can serve as sources of confidence in different situations.

  • Carry out preventive airport maintenance

    Carry out preventive maintenance on airport equipment and facilities in order to maintain safety, regularity, and efficient operation of air traffic.

  • Follow written instructions

    Follow written directions in order to perform a task or carry out a step-by-step procedure.

  • Keep airport maintenance equipment in suitable condition

    Keep sweepers, mowers, and other airport maintenance equipment ready for use in order to remove contaminants from aircraft operating areas and to ensure the height of grass on unpaved areas meets regulations.

Optional knowledge and skills

regulation on unpaved areas of airports clean contaminants from airport runways airport electrical systems handle high voltage of airport lighting apply airport lighting cleaning procedures follow manufacturer guidelines in use of airport equipment keep airport drainage systems functional apply airport lighting maintenance procedures take appropriate action to address damage to paved surfaces in airports schedule maintenance of airport electrical systems maintain availability of spare parts visual aid systems in airports keep signs legible prepare notices to airmen for airport terminal services keep airport runways clear of obstacles follow airport snow control plan ensure functionality of airport lighting systems operate various kinds of grass maintenance equipment keep markings legible remove snow from airport operational areas causes of damage to paved surfaces in airports

Source: Sisyphus ODB