Profession animal shelter worker

Animal shelter workers provide animal care routine services at the animal shelter. They receive animals brought to the shelter, respond to calls about lost or injured animals, nurse animals, clean cages, handle papers for adoption of animals, transport animals to the veterinarian and maintain database with the animals present in the shelter.

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Personality Type


  • Animal behaviour

    The natural behavioural patterns of animals, i.e. how normal and abnormal behaviour might be expressed according to species, environment, human-animal interaction and occupation.

  • Animal welfare legislation

    The legal boundaries, codes of professional conduct, national and EU regulatory frameworks and legal procedures of working with animals and living organisms, ensuring their welfare and health.

  • Physiology of animals

    The study of the mechanical, physical, bioelectrical and biochemical functioning of animals, their organs and their cells.

  • Anatomy of animals

    The study of animal body parts, their structure and dynamic relationships, on a level as demanded by the specific occupation.


  • Assist in transportation of animals

    Assist with the transportation of animals, including the loading and unloading of animals, the preparation of the transport vehicle, and maintaining the wellbeing of the animal throughout the transport process.

  • Control animal movement

    Direct, control or restrain some or part of an animal's, or a group of animals', movement.

  • Assess animal's condition

    Inspect the animal for any external signs of parasites, disease or injury. Use this information to determine own actions and report your findings to owners.

  • Train dogs

    Train dogs to behave appropriately and obey their owners' commands. Use a variety of techniques like clicker training, relationship-based training or dominance-based training to obtain favourable behaviours in the dog.

  • Interview people

    Interview people in a range of different circumstances.

  • Manage animal adoption

    Find people who want to adopt animals from the shelter, help them in their choice and manage all the necessary paperwork.

  • Instruct on animal care

    Provide employees in animal care with information on how to treat the animal, the animals eating habits, nutrition and medical condition and needs.

  • Create animal records

    Create animal records according to industry relevant information and using appropriate record keeping systems.

  • Maintain animal accommodation

    Make sure animal enclosures such as habitats, terrariums, cages or kennels are in the appropriate and hygienic condition. Clean the enclosure and provide new bedding material if called for.

  • Assess animal behaviour

    Observe and evaluate the behaviour of animals in order to work with them safely and recognise deviations from normal behaviour that signal compromised health and welfare.

  • Provide nutrition to animals

    Provide food and water to animals. This includes preparing food and water for animals and reporting any changes in the animal feeding or drinking habits.

  • Advise customers on appropriate pet care

    Provide information to customers on how to feed and care for pets, appropriate food choices, vaccination needs, etc.

  • Monitor the welfare of animals

    Monitor animals’ physical condition and behaviour and report any concerns or unexpected changes, including signs of health or ill-health, appearance, condition of the animals' accommodation, intake of food and water and environmental conditions.

  • Work with veterinarians

    Consult veterinarians and assist them in the examination and nursing of animals.

  • Dispose of dead animals

    Dispose of dead animals which are not considered a source of meat. Bury or cremate the animal based on the wishes of the owners or on other criteria.

Optional knowledge and skills

administer appointments maintain equipment provide an enriching environment for animals assess character assist customers unload supplies wear appropriate protective gear promote animals work in shifts implement exercise activities for animals advise on animal welfare maintain welfare of animals during transportation handle veterinary emergencies animal training order supplies provide dog walking services groom animals advise on animal purchase communicate with customers provide first aid to animals

Source: Sisyphus ODB