Profession assistant video and motion picture director

Assistant video and motion picture directors are responsible for the organisation, scheduling and planning of the cast, crew and activities on a set. They assist the video and motion picture directors, maintain budgets and ensure that all production activities go according to schedule.

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Personality Type


  • Film production process

    The various development stages of making a film, such as scriptwriting, financing, shooting, editing, and distribution.


  • Manage budgets

    Plan, monitor and report on the budget.

  • Develop project schedule

    Define the project completion stages and create a timeline. Synchronise necessary activities, taking into account the convergence of production elements. Establish a schedule.

  • Apply company policies

    Apply the principles and rules that govern the activities and processes of an organisation.

  • Consult with production director

    Consult with the director, producer and clients throughout the production and post-production process.

  • Collaborate with a technical staff in artistic productions

    Coordinate the artistic activities with others who are specialised in the technical side of the project. Inform the technical staff of the plans and methods suggested and obtain feedback on feasibility, cost, procedures and other relevant information. Be able to understand the vocabulary and practises concerning technical issues.

  • Apply organisational techniques

    Employ a set of organisational techniques and procedures which facilitate the achievement of the goals set. Use these resources efficiently and sustainably, and show flexibility when required.

  • Manage staff

    Manage employees and subordinates, working in a team or individually, to maximise their performance and contribution. Schedule their work and activities, give instructions, motivate and direct the workers to meet the company objectives. Monitor and measure how an employee undertakes their responsibilities and how well these activities are executed. Identify areas for improvement and make suggestions to achieve this. Lead a group of people to help them achieve goals and maintain an effective working relationship among staff.

  • Coordinate transportation

    Scheduling of transportation operations.

  • Coordinate rehearsals

    Organise rehearsal schedules for actors and crew, collect and update necessary contact information as well as organise any additional meetings for the actors and crew.

  • Handle paperwork

    Handle work-related paperwork ensuring that all relevant requirements are met.

  • Analyse goal progress

    Analyse the steps which have been taken in order to reach the organisation's goals in order to assess the progress which has been made, the feasibility of the goals, and to ensure the goals can be met according to deadlines.

Optional knowledge and skills

recruit personnel copyright legislation cinematography ensure visual quality of the set calculate production costs write work-related reports liaise with event sponsors purchase props attend read-through create storyboards present storyboard search for a suitable location analyse weather forecast content marketing strategy fix meetings liaise with financiers audiovisual equipment

Source: Sisyphus ODB