Profession beverage filtration technician

Beverage filtration technicians operate machines that clarify beverages prior to filtering. For the purpose, they transfer fermented beverages from settling casks into clarifying tanks and spreads chemicals over the surface of beverages to aid their clarification. Then, they pump beverages to transfer them to filtering tanks.

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  • Beverages filtration processes

    Safe and economic method for removing impurities from food products and extending its shelf life. Importance of contamination control and how it contributes to superior quality product, a significant reduction of waste and a minimum of product spoilage.

  • Pathogenic microorganisms in food

    The identification and characteristics of pathogenic micro-organisms in food and the adequate prevention methods to inhibit its reproduction in food materials.

  • Processes of foods and beverages manufacturing

    Raw materials and production processes for getting finished food products. Importance of quality control and other techniques for the food and beverage industry.

  • Quality assurance methodologies

    Quality assurance principles, standard requirements, and the set of processes and activities used for measuring, controlling and ensuring the quality of products and processes.


  • Operate grain cleaning machine

    Start automatic cleaning machine that blows as well as sifts foreign particles, like dirt, twigs, and also stones from whole grain conveys clean grain to storage tank for further processing.

  • Lift heavy weights

    Lift heavy weights and apply ergonomic lifting techniques to avoid damaging the body.

  • Manage carbonation levels

    Managing temperature and pressure as to reach set carbonation levels in beverages.

  • Apply requirements concerning manufacturing of food and beverages

    Apply and follow national, international, and internal requirements quoted in standards, regulations and other specifications related with manufacturing of food and beverages.

  • Carry out checks of production plant equipment

    Carry out checks of the machinery and equipment used in the production plant. Ensure that the machinery is working properly, set machines before usage, and assure continuous operability of the equipment.

  • Filter liquids

    Separated solids that will not readily sediment from their suspending liquid by passing the mixture through filters.

  • Apply HACCP

    Apply regulations regarding manufacture of food and food safety compliance. Employ food safety procedures based on Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP).

  • Collect samples for analysis

    Collect samples of materials or products for laboratory analysis.

  • Administer chemicals for beverage clarification

    Add chemical coagulants to a beverage and alcoholic drinks to destabilise colloids and other particles causing them to aggregate.

  • Perform carbonation processes

    Perform carbonation processes which refer to the infusion of carbon dioxide under high pressure in order to obtain effervescent beverages such as sodas, sparkling wines, and beverages.

  • Adhere to organisational guidelines

    Adhere to organisational or department specific standards and guidelines. Understand the motives of the organisation and the common agreements and act accordingly.

  • Operate pumping equipment

    Operate pumping equipment; oversee gas and oil transport from wellheads to refineries or storage facilities.

  • Measure pH

    Measuring pH which is a measure of acidity or alkalinity.

  • Apply GMP

    Apply regulations regarding manufacture of food and food safety compliance. Employ food safety procedures based on Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP).

  • Clean food and beverage machinery

    Clean machinery used for food or beverage production processes. Prepare the appropriate solutions for cleaning. Prepare all parts and assure that they are clean enough to avoid deviation or errors in the production process.

Optional knowledge and skills

monitor centrifugal separators liaise with colleagues liaise with managers ingredients for beer production monitor temperature in manufacturing process of food and beverages apply preservation treatments modern brewing systems ensure compliance with environmental legislation in food production manage corrective actions manage packaging development cycle from concept to launch have computer literacy work in a food processing team measure density of liquids interpret data in food manufacturing temperature scales monitor filling machines label samples assist in the development of standard operating procedures in the food chain communicate commercial and technical issues in foreign languages sterilise fermentation tanks

Source: Sisyphus ODB