Profession bicycle mechanic

Bicycle mechanics maintain and repair a variety of bicycle models and component parts. They may perform customized alterations, according to their client's preferences.

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Personality Type


  • Bicycle mechanics

    Technicalities over mechanics in bicycles and related topics in order to perform a wide range of repais in bicycles.


  • Apply company policies

    Apply the principles and rules that govern the activities and processes of an organisation.

  • Maintain customer service

    Keep the highest possible customer service and make sure that the customer service is at all times performed in a professional way. Help customers or participants feel at ease and support special requirements.

  • Maintain braking system

    Maintain the system that stops motor vehicles and bicycles. Identify problems such as leakages. Make repairs if necessary by using hand and power tools.

  • Maintain equipment

    Regularly inspect and perform all required activities to maintain the equipment in functional order prior or after its use.

  • Use repair manuals

    Apply the information, such as periodic maintenance charts, step by step repair instructions, troubleshooting information and overhaul procedures to perform routine maintenance and repairs.

  • Replace defect components

    Remove defective parts and replace them with functioning components.

  • Assemble bicycles

    Fit together component parts of bicycles, making sure that every part is fastened properly and that the bicycle is ready for use. Install bicycle accessories such as speedometers, lights and bottle holders.

  • Purchase supplies

    Purchase and replenish supplies; make sure that all required goods are available in stock.

  • Wash bicycles

    Clean and dry bicycles with the appropriate tools and products, making sure that no corrosion appears and that the bicycle chain is properly smeared.

  • Maintain work area cleanliness

    Keep the working area and equipment clean and orderly.

  • Perform repairs on bicycles

    Identify mechanical/technical bicycle problems, perform intermediate or permanent repairs, taking into account individual customer requests.

  • Tune bicycles

    Make sure bicycles are in good working order. Make performance adjustments using hand tools.

Optional knowledge and skills

electric drives create solutions to problems ensure compliance with warranty contracts sell bicycles administer appointments manage a small-to-medium business manage schedule of tasks maintain professional administration issue sales invoices develop professional network maintain relationship with suppliers repair electric bicycles maintain records of maintenance interventions electric bicycles assist customers train employees apply technical communication skills keep stock records keep personal administration

Source: Sisyphus ODB