Profession braiding machine operator

Braiding machine operators supervise the braiding process of a group of machines, monitoring fabric quality and braiding conditions. They inspect braiding machines after set up, start up, and during production to ensure the product being braided is meeting specs and quality standards.

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Personality Type


  • Textile techniques

    Have a thorough understanding of textile processing techniques.

  • Manufacturing industrial braids

    The production processes involved in the manufacturing of industrial ropes such as cordages, rigging ropes, twines, and nets. The manufacturing conditions for resistant and high quality products given their intended heavy use.

  • Braiding technology

    Development, manufacturing requirements, properties and evaluation of braided fabrics.

  • Textile technologies

    Textile technologies to design, manufacture and evaluate the properties of textiles.


  • Monitor textile manufacturing developments

    Keep up to date with recent developments in textile manufacturing and processing techniques and technologies.

  • Control textile process

    Plan and monitor textile production to achieve control on behalf of quality, productivity and delivery time.

  • Maintain work standards

    Maintaining standards of work in order to improve and acquire new skills and work methods.

  • Evaluate textile characteristics

    Evaluate textiles and their properties in order to manufacture products in conformity with specifications.

  • Measure yarn count

    Be able to measure yarn length and mass to assess fineness of roving, sliver and yarn in different measuring systems.Also able to convert into the various numbering system such as tex, Nm, Ne, denier, etc.

  • Manufacture ornamental braided cord

    Produce ornamental braided cords and ropes for products such as historical uniforms and traditional costumes.

  • Manufacture braided products

    Perform the operation, monitoring and maintenance of machines and processes to manufacture braided products while keeping efficiency and productivity at high levels.

  • Use weft preparation technologies

    Prepare bobbins to be used in textile processing.

Optional knowledge and skills

properties of fabrics textile materials knitting machine technology

Source: Sisyphus ODB