Profession bus route supervisor

Bus route supervisors coordinate vehicle movements, routes and drivers, and may supervise loading, unloading, and checking of baggage or express shipped by bus.  

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Personality Type


  • Condition of local roads

    Know local streets and their condition in order to provide efficient and timely transportation services.

  • Road transport legislation

    Know road transport regulations at regional, national, and European level in matters of safety and environmental requirements.

  • Road traffic laws

    Understand road traffic laws and the rules of the road.


  • Match vehicles with routes

    Match types of vehicles to transport routes, taking into consideration service frequency, peak transport times, service area covered, and road conditions.

  • Give instructions to staff

    Give instructions to subordinates by employing various communication techniques. Adjust communication style to the target audience in order to convey instructions as intended.

  • Have computer literacy

    Utilise computers, IT equipment and modern day technology in an efficient way.

  • Communicate verbal instructions

    Communicate transparent instructions. Ensure that messages are understood and followed correctly.

  • Analyse work-related written reports

    Read and comprehend job-related reports, analyse the content of reports and apply findings to daily work operations.

  • Monitor drivers

    Ensure that drivers meet the legal requirements to operate, arrive at work at required times, present no signs of alcohol or drug abuse, and follow the commissioned itineraries of the day. Monitor drivers to ensure quality work performance and efficiency. Ensure maintenance of record of time expended and distances covered.

  • Schedule and dispatch drivers

    Schedule and dispatch drivers, working equipment and service vehicles to desired locations as requested by customers; use telephone or radio communication.

  • Investigate road accidents

    Investigate road vehicle accidents and conduct post-accident debriefing conferences. Analyse the exact circumstances of the accident and present conclusions to the authorities. Provide recommendations on how future accidents may be prevented.

  • Keep task records

    Organise and classify records of prepared reports and correspondence related to the performed work and progress records of tasks.

  • Manage assignment of bus routes

    Supervise the work of others and effectively coordinate the completion of regularly assigned bus routes via various check-in systems.

Optional knowledge and skills

train employees use spreadsheets ensure implementation of safe driving practices conduct drug abuse tests write work-related reports recruit bus drivers

Source: Sisyphus ODB