Profession casino gaming manager

Casino gaming managers oversee the day-to-day operations of gaming facilities. They supervise personnel, monitor the gaming areas, oversee the security services, ensure that all gaming rules are followed, and monitor compliance with regulatory requirements, responsible for implementing the operational objectives of the business.

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Personality Type


  • Company policies

    The set of rules that govern the activity of a company.

  • Casino game rules

    The rules and principles that govern the different games played within a casino.

  • Casino policies

    The policies and requirements that govern the activities of a casino.


  • Monitor gaming room

    Pay close attention to the gaming room and notice details to make sure operations run smoothly and that security is ensured.

  • Follow ethical code of conduct of gambling

    Follow the rules and ethical code used in gambling, betting and lottery. Keep the entertainment of players in mind.

  • Ensure legal gaming

    Monitor gaming operations to ensure that juridical regulations and house rules are respected at all times.

  • Manage casino

    Pro-actively manage all aspects of the casino operation with special emphasis upon the delivery of effective and efficient gaming performance. Maximise turnover and margin opportunities on all gaming offers, including electronic gaming by deploying all available resources effectively. 

  • Follow safety precautions in a gaming room

    Follow the safety rules concerning gaming rooms to ensure the safety and the pleausure of the gamers, personnel and other by-standers.

  • Apply conflict management

    Take ownership of the handling of all complaints and disputes showing empathy and understanding to achieve resolution. To be fully aware of all Social Responsibility protocols and procedures, and to be able to deal with a problem gambling situation in a professional manner with maturity and empathy.

  • Manage casino facilities

    Manage opportunities for cost and process efficiencies in relation to the maintenance, cleaning, security, administration and other peripheral functions within the casino

  • Perform multiple tasks at the same time

    Execute multiple tasks at the same time, being aware of key priorities.

  • Manage a team

    Ensure clear and effective channels of communication across all departments within the organisation and support functions, both internally and externally ensuring that the team is aware of the standards and objectives of the department/business unit. Implement the disciplinary and grievance procedures as required ensuring that a fair and consistent approach to managing performance is consistently achieved. Assist in the recruitment process and manage, train and motivate employees to achieve/exceed their potential using effective performance management techniques. Encourage and develop a team ethic amongst all employees.

Optional knowledge and skills

handle game complaints establish gaming policies assertiveness quality standards schedule gaming tables evaluate casino workers communicate with customers report casino incidents maintain gaming equipment supervise casino staff

Source: Sisyphus ODB