Profession concrete products machine operator

Concrete products machine operators tend machines used to produce moulded concrete products. They perform greasing, assembling and stripping of moulds. They also participate in the cement mixing process.

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Personality Type


  • Inspect quality of products

    Use various techniques to ensure the product quality is respecting the quality standards and specifications. Oversee defects, packaging and sendbacks of products to different production departments.

  • Settle concrete

    Settle the concrete using the vibrating tables.

  • Move filled moulds

    Replace filled-up moulds; understand how to load moulds into the oven and how to store filled-up moulds onto a rack.

  • Use moulding techniques

    Apply moulding techniques.

  • Follow safety standards in industrial contexts

    Abide by safety procedures and standards for industrial contexts, mostly where machinery is involved.

  • Select mould types

    Select the appropriate type and size of mould based on the operation.

  • Inspect batches

    Inspect batches ensuring that they have the correct colours and the correct mix.

  • Match product moulds

    Change moulds to match product specification. Run test samples and check for proper specifications.

  • Maintain moulds

    Clean and repair moulds, e.g. by smoothening out imperfections on the surface.

  • Fill moulds

    Fill up moulds with appropriate materials and ingredient mixes.

  • Adjust curing ovens

    Adjust the temperature of the curing ovens by turning dials so that it is set to the correct parameters.

Optional knowledge and skills

build rebar cages operate lifting equipment form moulding mixture report defective manufacturing materials feed concrete mixer monitor stock level perform product testing measure materials ensure compliance with environmental legislation load heavy items on pallets record production data for quality control optimise production processes parameters report test findings manage delivery of raw materials write batch record documentation perform machine maintenance pack goods clean mixer work ergonomically record test data

Source: Sisyphus ODB