Profession dangerous goods safety adviser

Dangerous goods safety advisers inspect and make transport recommendations in line with the European regulations regarding the transport of dangerous goods. They may advise on the transport of dangerous goods by road, rail, sea and air. Dangerous goods safety advisers also prepare safety reports and investigate safety infringements. They provide individuals with the procedures and instructions to follow during the loading, unloading and transporting of these goods.

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Personality Type


  • Transportation methods

    Knowledge of principles and methods for moving people or goods by air, rail, sea, or road, including the relative costs and optimal work strategies.

  • International carriage of dangerous goods by road

    Know that the purpose of ADR is to ensure that dangerous materials, including chemicals and hazardous waste, are able to cross international borders as long as vehicles and drivers are in compliance with regulations.

  • Appropriate packaging of dangerous goods

    Know that packaging for different types of dangerous goods (other than for limited and excepted quantities) must be designed and constructed to UN specification standards and pass practical transport related tests, such as being dropped, stored in a stack, and being subjected to pressure. It must also meet the needs of the materials it is to contain. Packaging must be certified by a competent authority.

  • Handling of dangerous goods

    Know the handling procedures for a variety of potentially dangerous materials, such as explosives, flammable or toxic gases, flammable solids/liquids, infectious substances, radioactive substances, etc.

  • Health and safety regulations

    Necessary health, safety, hygiene and environmental standards and legislation rules in the sector of particular activity.

  • Laws on the transportation of dangerous goods

    The legal regulations that apply in the transportation of potentially dangerous goods, and the procedures involved in classifying such materials.


  • Write work-related reports

    Compose work-related reports that support effective relationship management and a high standard of documentation and record keeping. Write and present results and conclusions in a clear and intelligible way so they are comprehensible to a non-expert audience.

  • Coordinate import transportation activities

    Oversee import transportation operations; optimise import processes and service strategies.

  • Recognise the hazards of dangerous goods

    Be aware of the threats posed by potentially dangerous goods such as polluting, toxic, corrosive, or explosive materials.

  • Adapt communication style according to recipient

    Adapt communication style to that of the recipient of the message in order to create a rapport.

  • Present reports

    Display results, statistics and conclusions to an audience in a transparent and straightforward way.

  • Follow ethical code of conduct in transport services

    Carry out transport services according to accepted principles of right and wrong. This includes principles of fairness, transparency, and impartiality.

  • Check dangerous goods transport unit

    Ensure that a vehicle about to transport dangerous materials complies with safety and legal regulations. Perform visual checks to identify and report leaks or other forms of damage.

  • Liaise with colleagues

    Liaise with fellow colleagues to ensure common understanding on work related affairs and agree on the necessary compromises the parties might need to face. Negotiate compromises between parties as to ensure that work in general run efficiently towards the achievement of the objectives.

  • Provide advice on safety

    Educate people on safety measures for a certain activity or location.

  • Instruct on safety measures

    Provide instruction on the possible causes of accidents or sources of danger and explain the protective measures that should be taken to guarantee health and safety.

  • Cooperate with colleagues

    Cooperate with colleagues in order to ensure that operations run effectively.

  • Manage documentation for dangerous goods

    Review and complete all required documentation relating to the transportation of dangerous materials. Review the units, placarding, dimensions, and other important information.

Optional knowledge and skills

inspect cargo handle dangerous goods communicate regulations types of cargo create incident reports customs law road transport legislation communication principles air transport law perform safety inspections

Source: Sisyphus ODB