Profession distillery miller

Distillery millers tend distillery mills in order to clean and grind whole grain for use in production of distilled liquors. They tend cleaning machines to remove impurities from grains followed by the grinding and weighing of grains. They perform daily maintenance on pumps, air-conveyor chutes and machines.

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  • Temperature scales

    Celsius and Fahrenheit temperature scales.

  • Lautering process

    Process of lautering, where the mash is separated into clear, liquid wort and residual grain. Lautering usually takes three steps: mashout, recirculation and sparging.

  • Milling machines

    Milling and mills and their operation in theory and practice.

  • Grain-for-beverages milling process

    Milling process, which combines advanced and conventional wet and dry milling. Milling methods of grain for beverages ensure good husk conservation and optimal grinding of the endosperm, which provide numerous advantages for the brewing process and final products.

  • Mashing process

    Managing the mashing process and understanding its influence on wort quality and character of the finished fermented beverage.

  • Mill operations

    Details of milling operations related to grind size, particle size distribution, heat evolution. Milling processes for different cereals and grains.


  • Monitor machine operations

    Observe machine operations and evaluate product quality thereby ensuring conformity to standards.

  • Operate grain cleaning machine

    Start automatic cleaning machine that blows as well as sifts foreign particles, like dirt, twigs, and also stones from whole grain conveys clean grain to storage tank for further processing.

  • Keep task records

    Organise and classify records of prepared reports and correspondence related to the performed work and progress records of tasks.

  • Blend beverages

    Master blending beverages as to create new beverage products that are attractive to the market, interesting to companies, and innovative in the market.

  • Execute proofs of alcohol mixture

    Measure temperature (using e.g. thermometer) and specific gravity (using e.g. alcohol-proof hydrometer) and compare readings with tables from standard gauging manuals to determine proof of mixture.

  • Prepare containers for beverage distillation

    Prepare containers or drums for beverage distillation. Prepare equipment for the process of purification and removal of diluting components like water, for the purpose of increasing its proportion of alcohol content.

  • Collect samples for analysis

    Collect samples of materials or products for laboratory analysis.

  • Take measures against flammability

    Take measures against fire. Liquor that contains 40% ABV will catch fire if heated to about 26 °C and if an ignition source is applied to it. The flash point of pure alcohol is 16.6 °C.

  • Operate distilling equipment

    Operate the different parts of distilling equipment such as the pot, the distillation column, the lyne arm, the condenser, the distillate, and the aging barrels.

  • Ensure sanitation

    Keep workspaces and equipment free from dirt, infection, and disease by removing waste, trash and providing for appropriate cleaning.

  • Carry out checks of production plant equipment

    Carry out checks of the machinery and equipment used in the production plant. Ensure that the machinery is working properly, set machines before usage, and assure continuous operability of the equipment.

  • Apply HACCP

    Apply regulations regarding manufacture of food and food safety compliance. Employ food safety procedures based on Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP).

  • Age alcoholic beverages in vats

    Follow adequate procedures to place certain alcoholic beverages (e.g. wine, spirits, vermouth) in vats and age them for the required period. Use techniques to give them special characteristics.

  • Tend grinding mill machine

    Operate a grinding mill that grinds grains such as cereals, cocoa beans or coffee beans to obtain powders or pastes with different consistencies and grain sizes.

  • Inspect insects in whole grain

    Inspect loads of unprocessed grain to detect harmful insects, like grain beetles.

  • Apply requirements concerning manufacturing of food and beverages

    Apply and follow national, international, and internal requirements quoted in standards, regulations and other specifications related with manufacturing of food and beverages.

  • Operate pneumatic conveyor chutes

    Use air-conveyor chutes to transfer products or mixtures from containers to storage tanks.

  • Follow hygienic procedures during food processing

    Ensure a clean working space according to hygienic standards in the food processing industry.

  • Apply GMP

    Apply regulations regarding manufacture of food and food safety compliance. Employ food safety procedures based on Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP).

  • Lift heavy weights

    Lift heavy weights and apply ergonomic lifting techniques to avoid damaging the body.

  • Monitor milled food products

    Monitor milled food products to make sure they comply with production requirements and quality standards.

  • Sterilise fermentation tanks

    Sterilise workspaces and equipment using hoses, scrapers, brushes, or chemical solutions.

Optional knowledge and skills

adapt efficient food processing practices exert quality control to processing food perform detailed food processing operations processes of foods and beverages manufacturing keep machines oiled for steady functioning liaise with managers appropriate raw materials for specific spirits act reliably liaise with colleagues label samples have computer literacy ensure compliance with environmental legislation in food production

Source: Sisyphus ODB