Profession dredge operator

Dredge operators work with industrial equipment to remove underwater material in order to make the area accessible to ships, to establish ports, to lay cables or for other purposes, and move the material to the desired location.

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Personality Type


  • Mechanical systems

    Mechanical systems, including gears, engines, hydraulic and pneumatic systems. Their functions and likely defects.

  • Dredging consoles

    The configuration of different types of dredging consoles. How the functions of the dredge are mapped to the console.


  • Collect samples

    Set up and operate equipment to collect water, gas or soil samples for testing.

  • Work ergonomically

    Apply ergonomy principles in the organisation of the workplace while manually handling equipment and materials.

  • Follow health and safety procedures in construction

    Apply the relevant health and safety procedures in construction in order to prevent accidents, pollution and other risks.

  • Use safety equipment in construction

    Use elements of protective clothing such as steel-tipped shoes, and gear such as protective goggles, in order to minimise risk of accidents in construction and to mitigate any injury if an accident does occur.

  • Position dredger

    Communicate with the captain or mate to move the dredge into the right position to commence the dredging operation.

  • Use rigging tools

    Employ rigging tools such as cables, ropes, pulleys and winches to safely secure high structures.

  • Maintain dredging equipment

    Keep the dredging equipment in good condition. Regularly inspect suction elements, pumps, cables, cutterheads and other elements and take the necessary steps to repair any damage or wear.

  • Prevent damage to utility infrastructure

    Consult utility companies or plans on the location of any utility infrastructure that may interfere with a project or be damaged by it. Take the necessary steps to avoid damage.

  • Measure water depth

    Measure the depths of a body of water by using depth measuring equipment such as a depth gauge.

Optional knowledge and skills

operate excavator keep personal administration soil mechanics operate bucket wheel excavator keep records of work progress use a computer guide placement of anchors secure heavy construction equipment operate gps systems perform minor repairs to equipment clear pipelines replace cutterhead teeth machinery load capacity excavation techniques control cutterheads control suction booms position anchor poles

Source: Sisyphus ODB