Profession electrical equipment assembler

Electrical equipment assemblers are responsible for the assembly of electrical equipment. They assemble product components and wiring according to the blueprints.

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  • Electrical wiring diagrams

    The visual schematic representation of an electrical circuit, its components, and the connections between these components.

  • Electricity principles

    Electricity is created when electric current flows along a conductor. It entails the movement of free electrons between atoms. The more free electrons are present in a material, the better this material conducts. The three main parameters of electricity are the voltage, current (ampère), and resistance (ohm).

  • Electrical equipment regulations

    The national and international regulations with regards to the use and manufacture of electrical equipment on the workfloor. These regulations provide rules and guidelines on topics such as general risk management, electrical equipment manufacture, electrical equipment testing, electrical equipment installation, warning labels, and certificates.

  • Electrical discharge

    Tthe qualities and applications of electrical discharge, including voltage and electrodes.

  • Electricity

    Understand the principles of electricity and electrical power circuits, as well as the associated risks.


  • Troubleshoot

    Identify operating problems, decide what to do about it and report accordingly.

  • Ensure conformity to specifications

    Ensure that the assembled products are conform to the specifications given.

  • Operate soldering equipment

    Use soldering equipment, such as a soldering gun, a soldering torch or a gas-powered iron, to melt and join together pieces of metal or steel.

  • Monitor manufacturing quality standards

    Monitor quality standards in manufacturing and finishing process.

  • Assemble electrical components

    Assemble switches, electrical controls, circuit boards and other electrical components by using hand and soldering equipment.

  • Fasten components

    Fasten components together according to blueprints and technical plans in order to create subassemblies or finished products.

  • Report defective manufacturing materials

    Maintain required company records and forms in order to report any defective materials or questionable conditions of manufacturing machinery and equipment.

  • Meet deadlines

    Ensure operative processes are finished at a previously agreed-upon time.

  • Inspect quality of products

    Use various techniques to ensure the product quality is respecting the quality standards and specifications. Oversee defects, packaging and sendbacks of products to different production departments.

  • Read assembly drawings

    Read and interpret drawings listing all the parts and subassemblies of a certain product. The drawing identifies the different components and materials and provides instructions on how to assemble a product.

  • Interpret electrical diagrams

    Read and comprehend blueprints and electrical diagrams; understand technical instructions and engineering manuals for assembling electrical equipment; understand electricity theory and electronic components.

  • Align components

    Align and lay out components in order to put them together correctly according to blueprints and technical plans.

  • Apply soldering techniques

    Apply and work with a variety of techniques in the process of soldering, such as soft soldering, silver soldering, induction soldering, resistance soldering, pipe soldering, mechanical and aluminium soldering.

  • Remove defective products

    Remove defective materials from the production line.

  • Carry out measurements of parts

    Operate measurement instruments to measure parts of manufactured objects. Take into consideration specifications of manufacturers to perform the measuring.

  • Wear appropriate protective gear

    Wear relevant and necessary protective gear, such as protective goggles or other eye protection, hard hats, safety gloves.

Optional knowledge and skills

switching devices electrical power safety regulations adjust voltage electric motors dispose of hazardous waste apply technical communication skills oversee logistics of finished products maintain electrical equipment electrical engineering electrical machines install electric switches electric drives repair wiring apply coating to electrical equipment adjust manufacturing equipment provide documentation power engineering clean components during assembly replace defect components perform test run keep records of work progress electrical wire accessories resolve equipment malfunctions install electrical and electronic equipment electromechanics manufacture of electrical wire products inspect electrical supplies waste removal regulations use specialised tools in electric repairs measure electrical characteristics wire harnesses electric generators

Source: Sisyphus ODB