Profession emergency response worker

Emergency response workers work in missions to aid in emergency and disaster situations, such as natural disasters or oil spills. They clean up the debris or waste caused by the event, ensure the people involved are brought to safety, prevent further damage, and transport goods such as food and medical supplies.

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Personality Type


  • Operational tactics for emergency responses

    The characteristics and proceedings of operational tactics for emergency responses especially at major incidents and catastrophes.

  • Flood remediation equipment

    The operation of the necessary tools and equipment used in flood damage and remediation activities, such as pumping flooded properties.

  • First aid

    The emergency treatment given to a sick or injured person in the case of circulatory and/or respiratory failure, unconsciousness, wounds, bleeding, shock or poisoning.


  • Dispose waste

    Dispose waste in accordance with legislation, thereby respecting environmental and company responsibilities.

  • Provide emergency supplies

    Identify the need for supplies in emergency aid, such as specialised equipment for waste removal and transportation, or supplies to aid victims, and ensure the necessary supplies are delivered.

  • Ensure compliance with environmental legislation

    Monitor activities and perform tasks ensuring compliance with standards involving environmental protection and sustainability, and amend activities in the case of changes in environmental legislation. Ensure that the processes are compliant with environment regulations and best practices.

  • Perform environmental remediation

    Carry out activities which ensure the removal of sources of pollution and contamination from the environment, in compliance with environmental remediation regulations.

  • Estimate damage

    Estimate damage in case of accidents or natural disasters.

  • Treat flood damage

    Treat damage caused by floods by using the necessary tools and equipment, and ensuring the safety of the public during remediation activities.

  • Coordinate with other emergency services

    Coordinate the firefighters' work with the activities of the emergency medical services and of the police.

  • Remove debris

    Remove the waste from a construction or demolition site, or debris caused as consequence of a natural disaster, in order to secure the area and facilitate further working operations.

  • Evacuate people from buildings

    Evacuate a person from a dangerous building or situation for protection purposes, ensuring the victim reaches safety and is able to receive medical care if necessary.

  • Evacuate people from flooded areas

    Evacuate people from areas heavily affected by floods and flood damage, and ensure they reach a safe place where they have access to medical treatment if necessary.

  • Clean up spilled oil

    Safely clean up and dispose of spilled oil.

Optional knowledge and skills

use personal protection equipment report pollution incidents sort waste manage emergency procedures rescue animals remove contaminants provide humanitarian aid provide first aid dispose of hazardous waste waste and scrap products operate an emergency communication system pollution prevention dispatch emergency personnel perform search and rescue missions pollution legislation perform demarcation avoid contamination perform risk analysis identify risk of flooding manage emergency evacuation plans

Source: Sisyphus ODB