Profession fight director

Fight directors coach performers to safely execute fight sequences. They direct fights for performances such as dance, movies and television, circus, variety, and others. Fight directors may have a background in sports such as fencing, shooting or boxing, martial arts such as judo, wushu or karate, or military training.

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  • Intellectual property law

    The regulations that govern the set of rights protecting products of the intellect from unlawful infringement.

  • Performing arts fights legal regulations

    The legal disclosures and insurances one need to work as fight director with performers, taking into account the use of weapons and risk assesment.

  • Be in touch with your body

    The key aspects of applied anatomy, psychology, nutrition, physiology, and psychosocial studies and how they relate to the self-awareness of one's body. 

  • Labour legislation

    Legislation, on a national or international level, that governs labour conditions in various fields between labour parties such as the government, employees, employers, and trade unions.


  • Define an approach to your fight dicipline

    Do an analysis of the work and expertise in fight discipline and use this to find an approach in directing fight actions with the choreographer/director.

  • Work ergonomically

    Apply ergonomy principles in the organisation of the workplace while manually handling equipment and materials.

  • Supervise performers' fights

    Communicate expectations and targeted results, transmit the fight sequences, and technical aspect of the fighting discipline, etc. Help the performers/dancers internalise the fights sequences and fighting techniques. Supervise them in action and motivate and help them them achieve their maximum potential. Make performers them aware of the associated risks. Get performers to rehearse fights.

  • Adapt fighting techniques for performance

    Make sure that fighting techniques used in a performance are adapted for the purpose. Ensure the safety of the performers and the audience. Adapt fighting techniques to fit the context and artistic vision of the production.

  • Coach performers in your fight discipline

    Guide the performers' training sessions in your fight discipline so that they gain mastery in fighting techniques, movements and actions. Assess their potential to learn fight actions in a safe way. Organise the training, determining its goals. Direct the performers' training.

  • Work with respect for own safety

    Apply the safety rules according to training and instruction and based on a solid understanding of the prevention measures and risks to your own personal health and safety.

  • Use personal protection equipment

    Make use of protection equipment according to training, instruction and manuals. Inspect the equipment and use it consistently.

  • Promote yourself

    Market one's own strengths in terms of skills and knowledge.

  • Ensure the longevity of the fight actions

    Transfer the work from one location to another when necessary. Ensure a video recording is made. Ensure that the integrity of the work is respected and that elements linked with the work are maintained (weapons, munition, etc.). Update a work when asked for.

  • Adjust the work to the venue

    Adjust the physical, practical and artistic components of the work to the realities of the performance venue. Check the material parameters and technical conditions of the venue, such as scenery and lighting. Check the seating arrangements. Assess the impact of the environment and space on the work.

  • Manage artistic career

    Present yourself and your artistic approach. Position your work in target markets. Promote and market yourself and your oeuvre.

  • Monitor art scene developments

    Monitor artistic events, trends, and other developments. Read recent art publications in order to develop ideas and to keep in touch with relevant art world activities.

Optional knowledge and skills

manage artistic project show intercultural awareness engage in fencing work in an international environment develop work plans to solve problems memorise lines write risk assessment on performing arts production read musical score read dance scores

Source: Sisyphus ODB