Profession First line supervisor horticultural nursery gardeners
First line horticultural workers supervisors manage workers who plan, organise and perform operations to cultivate and maintain trees, shrubs, flowers and other plants in parks and private gardens, and to produce saplings, bulbs and seeds, or grow vegetables and flowers by intensive cultivation techniques, for sale or delivery on a regular basis to wholesale buyers, marketing organisations or at markets.
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Personality Type
Related professions horticulture, gardening
- Floral arranger
- Flower binder
- Garden architect
- Garden helper
- Gardener (cemetery)
- Gardener (public parks)
- Gardener, all other
- Greenkeeper sports grounds
- Groundsman
- Head groundsman
- Horticultural grower
- Horticultural technician
- Horticultural worker
- Landscape architect
Source: Sisyphus ODB