Profession funeral services director

Funeral services directors coordinate the logistics of funerals. They support the deceased family by arranging the details concerning the location, dates and times of memorial services. Funeral services directors contact representatives of the cemetery to prepare the site, plan transportation for the deceased person, advise on the types of memorials and legal requirements or paperwork. Funeral services directors organise the daily operations of the crematorium. They oversee the staff's activities in the crematorium and ensure that they deliver services according to legal requirements. They monitor the crematorium service revenue budget and develop and maintain operational rules within the crematorium.

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Personality Type


  • Business knowledge

    A firm's functions, the processes and tasks which are employed to accomplish those functions and the relationship of those functions, processes and tasks to each of the functions, processes and tasks performed throughout the firm.


  • Manage staff

    Manage employees and subordinates, working in a team or individually, to maximise their performance and contribution. Schedule their work and activities, give instructions, motivate and direct the workers to meet the company objectives. Monitor and measure how an employee undertakes their responsibilities and how well these activities are executed. Identify areas for improvement and make suggestions to achieve this. Lead a group of people to help them achieve goals and maintain an effective working relationship among staff.

  • Greet guests

    Welcome guests in a friendly manner in a certain place.

  • Prepare ceremonial locations

    Decorate rooms or other locations for ceremonies, such as funerals, cremations, weddings or baptism.

  • Promote human rights

    Promote and respect human rights and diversity in light of the physical, psychological, spiritual and social needs of autonomous individuals, taking into account their opinions, beliefs and values, and the international and national codes of ethics, as well as the ethical implications of healthcare provision, ensuring their right to privacy and honouring for the confidentiality of healthcare information.

  • Maintain personal hygiene standards

    Preserve impeccable personal hygiene standards and have a tidy appearance.

  • Provide directions to guests

    Show guests the way through buildings or on domains, to their seats or performance setting, helping them with any additional information so that they can reach the foreseen event destination.

  • Train employees

    Lead and guide employees through a process in which they are taught the necessary skills for the perspective job. Organise activities aimed at introducing the work and systems or improving the performance of individuals and groups in organisational settings.

  • Manage budgets

    Plan, monitor and report on the budget.

  • Manage financial aspects of a company

    Manage the company-related legal and financial issues; calculate and analyse numbers and figures; look how to save costs and how to maximise income and productivity; balance costs against possible benefits before making a decision.

  • Maintain customer service

    Keep the highest possible customer service and make sure that the customer service is at all times performed in a professional way. Help customers or participants feel at ease and support special requirements.

  • Develop organisational policies

    Develop and supervise the implementation of policies aimed at documenting and detailing the procedures for the operations of the organisation in the lights of its strategic planning.

  • Apply organisational techniques

    Employ a set of organisational techniques and procedures which facilitate the achievement of the goals set. Use these resources efficiently and sustainably, and show flexibility when required.

  • Administer appointments

    Accept, schedule and cancel appointments.

  • Oversee cremations

    Keep records on the cremations that are or will be executed and make sure that the cremated remains are identified correctly.

  • Apply health and safety standards

    Adhere to standards of hygiene and safety established by respective authorities.

  • Advise on funeral services

    Provide relatives of the deceased person with information and advice on ceremonial, burial and cremation services.

  • Develop professional network

    Reach out to and meet up with people in a professional context. Find common ground and use your contacts for mutual benefit. Keep track of the people in your personal professional network and stay up to date on their activities.

  • Show diplomacy

    Deal with people in a sensitive and tactful way.

Optional knowledge and skills

provide visitor information control minor maintenance respond to visitor complaints manage emergency evacuation plans drive vehicles in processions assist with funeral planning apply business acumen business management principles manage maintenance operations embalm bodies liaise with local authorities dress bodies work ergonomically relate empathetically analyse financial performance of a company coordinate catering operate cremation equipment maintain inventory of tools maintain professional administration manage funeral equipment provide emotional support to the bereaved perform religious ceremonies prepare coffins for cremation transfer coffins keep personal administration hire new personnel

Source: Sisyphus ODB