Profession gaming inspector

Gaming inspectors, have the ability to deal and inspect all the respective games and carry out all gaming operations to the highest possible standards of efficiency, security and customer service in accordance with company procedures and current legislation. Their responsibility is to oversee all the irrespective games played, and ensure that rules are adhered to and players don't cheat. They are responsible for the maintenance of the equipment and handle all customer questions and complaints.

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Personality Type


  • Games rules

    Set of principles and rules that govern a game

  • Company policies

    The set of rules that govern the activity of a company.

  • Assertiveness

    The quality of being self-assured and confident without being aggressive

  • Casino game rules

    The rules and principles that govern the different games played within a casino.

  • Legal standards in gambling

    The legal requirements, rules and limitations in gambling and betting activities.

  • Responsible gambling

    The proper behaviour when participating in a gambling game such as how to be aware of others people's reactions and why people act and react as they do.


  • Identify customer's needs

    Use appropriate questions and active listening in order to identify customer expectations, desires and requirements according to product and services.

  • Staff game shifts

    Monitor staffing levels to ensure that all games and tables are adequately staffed for every shift.

  • Deal with public

    To adopt a pleasant, professional and positive manner with all customers, anticipating their needs and passing customer complaints to a member of the management team (if necessary) in a calm, professional and non confrontational manner.

  • Adapt to changing situations

    Change approach to situations based on unexpected and sudden changes in people's needs and mood or in trends; shift strategies, improvise and naturally adapt to those circumstances.

  • Supervise game operations

    Circulate between gaming tables watching the games to ensure that operations are conducted properly. Note irregularities and malfunctions, ensure that dealers follow house rules and that players don't cheat.

  • Supervise staff

    Oversee the selection, training, performance and motivation of staff.

  • Conduct gambling games

    To be technically competent in dealing with all games within the casino; to carry out all Gaming operations, including table administration, opening and closing procedures and the soft count operation and be competent with the required standard and in line with requisite regulations.

  • Train dealers

    Instruct and teach new dealers about the description of their job and introduce them to the team.

  • Report gaming incidents

    Report accordingly about incidents during gambling, betting and lottery games.

  • Communicate with customers

    Respond to and communicate with customers in the most efficient and appropriate manner to enable them to access the desired products or services, or any other help they may require.

  • Maintain gaming equipment

    Maintenance of gaming tools, equipment and supplies.

  • Follow ethical code of conduct of gambling

    Follow the rules and ethical code used in gambling, betting and lottery. Keep the entertainment of players in mind.

  • Demonstrate games

    Explain and demonstrate games and game rules to new players/visitors.

  • Control games

    Be fully aware of table action, taking control of games to ensure smooth running and appropriate speed, prioritising attention according to the experience of the dealer and the level of the action.

  • Show good manners with players

    Be polite and show good manners towards players, by-standers and other audience.

Optional knowledge and skills

operate games apply knowledge of human behaviour quality standards apply gaming psychology manage personal professional development respect cultural preferences perform multiple tasks at the same time adapt developed game to the market

Source: Sisyphus ODB