Profession Garbage collector

Refuse collectors collect and remove rubbish and items for recycling from buildings, yards, streets and other places.

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Personality Type

Related professions cleaning

  • Aircraft cleaner
  • Building exterior cleaner
  • Building exterior sandblaster
  • Carpet or furniture cleaner
  • Chimney sweep
  • Cleaner cruise ships, ferries
  • Cleaner in hotels
  • Cleaner laboratory equipment
  • Cleaner of boilers, tanks
  • Cleaner train, tram, metro, bus
  • Cleaning worker, all other
  • Domestic cleaner
  • First line supervisor of cleaning workers
  • Graffiti cleaner
  • Janitor
  • Sewer pipe cleaner
  • Sweeper, street cleaner
  • Window cleaner

Source: Sisyphus ODB