Profession gas processing plant operator

Gas processing plant operators operate and maintain distribution equipment in a gas distribution plant. They distribute gas to utility facilities or consumers, and ensure the correct pressure is maintained on gas pipelines. They also oversee compliance with scheduling and demand.

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Personality Type


  • Pipeline transport regulations;

    Know about pipeline transport regulations and their application in pipeline fields. Apply pipeline transport regulations in the construction of new sites.

  • Types of pipelines

    Know various types of pipelines and their different usages. Differentiate between pipelines used to transport goods over short and long distances, and understand their respective feeding systems.

  • Fuel gas

    The various qualities, hazards and applications of gaseous fuels, such as oxy-acetylene, oxy-gasoline, oxy-hydrogen and others.

  • Fuel distribution systems

    Know all aspects of fuel distribution systems and components such as pipeline systems, valves, pumps, filters, and fuel monitors.


  • Prevent pipeline deterioration

    Ensure the conservation of pipelines by undertaking adequate maintenance of the system and its coating properties. Prevent corrosion formation, leaks, and other problems.

  • Report on fuel distribution incidents

    Compose forms on the findings of pumping system temperature and water level checks etc.; produce reports detailing any problems or incidents that occurred.

  • Handle gas cylinders

    Grip gas cylinders in a safe manner and ensure they are compliant with safety and health regulations.

  • Ensure equipment maintenance

    Ensure that the equipment required for operations is regularly checked for faults, that routine maintenance tasks are performed, and that repairs are scheduled and performed in the case of damage or flaws.

  • Ensure correct gas pressure

    Ensure the necessary, usually constant, pressure of gas which is part of a machine or tool, such as torching equipment, used to process metal workpieces during metal fabrication processes.

  • Regulate the flow of substances in pipelines

    Control of the flow of substances such as gases, chemicals, oils, and other materials transported via pipelines and pump stations.

  • Perform follow-up on pipeline route services

    Perform follow-up activities related to the plan, the distribution schedule, and the service yielded by the pipeline infrastructure. Ensure that pipeline route assignments are accomplished and meet customer agreements.

  • Detect flaws in pipeline infrastructure

    Detect flaws in pipeline infrastructure during construction or over the passage of time such as construction defects, corrosion, ground movement, hot-tap made by error, and others.

  • Ensure maintenance of fuel distribution facilities

    Implement regular maintenance and safety programmes relating to all aspects of fuel distribution facility operations; demonstrate expertise in spill clean-up procedures, prevention and control measures, repair of fuel terminal systems, and implementation of preventive maintenance on these systems.

  • Ensure compliance with gas distribution schedule

    Monitor the operations of a gas distribution facility and gas distribution systems in order to ensure that the distribution goals and the gas supply demands are met.

  • Monitor valves

    Monitor and accordingly adjust the valves in order to allow a specific amount of liquids (such as ammonia sulfuric acid or viscous soap) or steam into the mixer or machine.

Optional knowledge and skills

mitigate environmental impact of pipeline projects ensure regulatory compliance in pipeline infrastructures agree on repair arrangements conduct routine machinery checks install metal gas piping operate pumping equipment natural gas test pipeline infrastructure operations operate soldering equipment repair pipelines monitor automated machines read gas meter ensure equipment cooling security requirements of goods transported via pipelines resolve equipment malfunctions operate welding equipment gas consumption ensure compliance with environmental legislation test gas purity perform minor repairs to equipment

Source: Sisyphus ODB