Profession gas transmission system operator

Gas transmission system operators transport energy in the form of natural gas. They receive natural gas from the production station, transport it through pipelines, ensuring delivery to gas distribution stations.

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Personality Type


  • Gas market

    The trends and major driving factors in the gas trading market, gas trades methodologies and practice, and the identification of the major stakeholders in the gas sector.

  • Types of pipelines

    Know various types of pipelines and their different usages. Differentiate between pipelines used to transport goods over short and long distances, and understand their respective feeding systems.

  • Security requirements of goods transported via pipelines

    Know the security requirements and safety measures necessary to avoid accidents during the transportation of goods via pipelines. Ensure measures for the transport of oil and petroleum products, olefin, ammonia, CO2, hydrogen, and others.

  • Fuel gas

    The various qualities, hazards and applications of gaseous fuels, such as oxy-acetylene, oxy-gasoline, oxy-hydrogen and others.

  • Pipeline transport regulations;

    Know about pipeline transport regulations and their application in pipeline fields. Apply pipeline transport regulations in the construction of new sites.


  • Test pipeline infrastructure operations

    Perform tests on pipelines, such checking whether there is continuous flow of materials through them, examining for leakages, and assessing the suitability of the location of the pipeline is.

  • Regulate the flow of substances in pipelines

    Control of the flow of substances such as gases, chemicals, oils, and other materials transported via pipelines and pump stations.

  • Ensure compliance with environmental legislation

    Monitor activities and perform tasks ensuring compliance with standards involving environmental protection and sustainability, and amend activities in the case of changes in environmental legislation. Ensure that the processes are compliant with environment regulations and best practices.

  • Perform follow-up on pipeline route services

    Perform follow-up activities related to the plan, the distribution schedule, and the service yielded by the pipeline infrastructure. Ensure that pipeline route assignments are accomplished and meet customer agreements.

  • Detect flaws in pipeline infrastructure

    Detect flaws in pipeline infrastructure during construction or over the passage of time such as construction defects, corrosion, ground movement, hot-tap made by error, and others.

  • Ensure regulatory compliance in pipeline infrastructures

    Ensure that the regulations for pipeline operations are met. Ensure pipeline infrastructure compliance with legal mandates, and compliance with regulations governing the transportation of goods via the pipelines.

  • Manage gas transmission system

    Manage the systems which ensure the transmission of natural gas and gaseous fuels from gas production facilities to gas distribution facilities, through pipelines, ensuring safety of operations and compliance with scheduling and regulations.

Optional knowledge and skills

prevent pipeline deterioration mitigate environmental impact of pipeline projects analyse energy market trends inspect pipelines analyse route possibilities in pipeline projects survey sites for pipeline installation set management priorities in pipeline networks prepare timelines for pipeline development projects ensure compliance with gas distribution schedule perform pipeline routing studies repair pipelines supervise gas distribution operations fuel distribution systems ensure maintenance of fuel distribution facilities

Source: Sisyphus ODB