Profession glass beveller

Glass bevellers measure, cut, assemble and install flat glass and mirrors. They also load and unload glass, mirrors and equipment, drive to installation sites, install metal or wood frameworks that need to be fitted with glass, and work according to client specifications.

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  • Rinse glass

    Rinse the glass following the bevelling process using water in order to remove the abrasive residue.

  • Use personal protection equipment

    Make use of protection equipment according to training, instruction and manuals. Inspect the equipment and use it consistently.

  • Adjust glass sheets

    Adjust glass sheets` thickness, according to the gauge readings, using asbestos pads on the sides of the kilns` cooling jacket.

  • Cut glass

    Use glass cutting tools or diamond blades to cut pieces out of glass plates, including mirrors.

  • Measure materials

    Measure the raw materials prior to their loading in the mixer or in machines, ensuring they conform with the specifications.

  • Manipulate glass

    Manipulate the properties, shape and size of glass.

  • Monitor gauge

    Oversee the data presented by a gauge concerning the measurement of pressure, temperature, thickness of a material, and others.

  • Inspect glass sheet

    Inspect the drawn sheets of glass in order to detect any flows such as blisters or stones, signalling the defective glass sheets.

  • Trim excess material

    Trim surplus material of fabric such as fiberglass mats, cloth, plastics or rubber.

  • Set up the controller of a machine

    Set up and give commands to a machine by dispatching the appropriate data and input into the (computer) controller corresponding with the desired processed product.

  • Operate bevelling machine

    Operate the bevelling machine by setting it up and performing the specific operations such as beveling or polishing glass or mirror edges.

  • Monitor automated machines

    Continuously check up on the automated machine's set-up and execution or make regular control rounds. If necessary, record and interpret data on the operating conditions of installations and equipment in order to identify abnormalities.

  • Consult technical resources

    Read and interpret such technical resources such as digital or paper drawings and adjustment data in order to properly set up a machine or working tool, or to assemble mechanical equipment.

  • Ensure equipment availability

    Ensure that the necessary equipment is provided, ready and available for use before start of procedures.

  • Read standard blueprints

    Read and comprehend standard blueprints, machine, and process drawings.

Optional knowledge and skills

assemble windows smooth glass edges apply spray foam insulation adjust measuring machines handle broken glass sheets operate grinding hand tools remove defective products keep records of work progress inspect quality of products create architectural sketches perform loading and unloading operations report defective manufacturing materials maintain equipment create furniture frames install sill pan manage waste handle fragile items tend coating machine draw blueprints pack fragile items for transportation apply a protective layer set window use polishing compounds smooth glass surface silvering assemble insulating glazing units apply insulation strips

Source: Sisyphus ODB