Profession honey extractor
Honey extractors operate machines to extract liquid honey from honeycombs. They place decapped honeycombs in honey-extracting machine baskets to empty honeycombs.
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Personality Type
- Honey varieties
Varieties of honey based on how they are processed. Some examples: comb honey, strained honey, chunk honey, extracted honey, pressed honey, crystallised or granulated honey, and creamed honey.
- Honey extractors types
Mechanical devices used in the extraction of honey from honeycombs without destroying the comb.
- Centrifugal force
Apparent force that draws a rotating body away from the centre of rotation. Application to machines that use centrifugal forces.
- Honey constituents
Components of honey such as fructose, water, glucose and other type of sugars and their interactions in the production/extraction of honey products.
- Apply requirements concerning manufacturing of food and beverages
Apply and follow national, international, and internal requirements quoted in standards, regulations and other specifications related with manufacturing of food and beverages.
- Apply GMP
Apply regulations regarding manufacture of food and food safety compliance. Employ food safety procedures based on Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP).
- Differentiate honey depending on the origin
Differentiate types of honey depending on the origin, such as honeydew honey, blossom honey, monofloral honey, and polyfloral honey.
- Wear appropriate protective gear
Wear relevant and necessary protective gear, such as protective goggles or other eye protection, hard hats, safety gloves.
- Remove wax from honeycombs
Remove the wax on honeycombs, which covers and fills in cells before centrifugation.
- Monitor food production documentation
Conducting document control during different stages of production to monitor production steps and quality.
- Tend honey extraction machine
Operate a machine such as radial or tangential extractors that extracts honey from combs.
- Apply HACCP
Apply regulations regarding manufacture of food and food safety compliance. Employ food safety procedures based on Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP).
- Clean honey from pollen
Clean honey from pollen if the requirement is having a clear honey liquid. Identify honey impurities, such as wax, body parts of bees, or dust.
- Handle honeycombs
Handle honeycombs carefully. Place combs into machine. Remove them when empty and place them in vacant supers. Care for the integrity of the honeycomb, and extract as much honey as possible.
- Follow hygienic procedures during food processing
Ensure a clean working space according to hygienic standards in the food processing industry.
Optional knowledge and skills
liaise with colleagues lift heavy weights act reliably perform cleaning duties liaise with managers operate centrifuges monitor centrifugal separatorsSource: Sisyphus ODB