Profession incinerator operator

Incinerator operators tend incineration machines which burn refuse and waste. They ensure the equipment is maintained, and that the incineration process occurs in accordance with safety regulations for the incineration of waste.

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Personality Type


  • Thermal treatment

    Technologies used for the treatment and processing of waste which involve high temperatures, and the processes involving the combustion of waste materials and energy recovery from waste treatment.

  • Metrology

    The methods and theory of measurement in a scientific context, including internationally accepted units of measurement, practical realisation of these units, and interpretation of measurements.


  • Calibrate waste incinerator

    Calibrate the furnace used in the burning of waste materials and the potential recovery of energy from incineration processes, by measuring the operation settings such as temperature and pressure, and changing them to the required settings to ensure efficient and safe operations.

  • Conduct inter-shift communication

    Communicate relevant information about the conditions in the workplace, progress, events, and potential problems to the workers in the next shift.

  • Monitor incineration process

    Monitor the procedures involved in the incineration of waste and potential energy recovery from the process, to ensure that it is compliant with health, safety and environmental regulations as well as to ensure efficiency and proper functioning of the incineration equipment.

  • Measure furnace temperature

    Monitor the product temperature using the available tools and measuring instruments and adjust furnace temperature if needed.

  • Wear appropriate protective gear

    Wear relevant and necessary protective gear, such as protective goggles or other eye protection, hard hats, safety gloves.

  • Operate waste incinerator

    Operate a type of furnace which is used for the burning of waste, and which may facilitate energy recovery, compliant with regulations.

  • Ensure compliance with waste legislative regulations

    Implement and monitor company procedures for the collection, transport and disposal of waste, in compliance with all regulations and legal requirements.

  • Maintain waste incinerator

    Maintain furnace equipment which is used for the burning of waste and refuse by performing routine maintenance tasks, identifying faults, and performing repairs.

Optional knowledge and skills

pollution legislation hazardous waste treatment dispose of hazardous waste dispose of non-hazardous waste ensure compliance with environmental legislation environmental legislation report pollution incidents hazardous waste types waste management sort waste identify hazards in the workplace assess waste type

Source: Sisyphus ODB