Profession level crossing signalperson

Level crossing signalpersons operate equipment in the safeguarding of level crossings, according to safety regulations. They supervise the traffic situation arround the level crossing, and communicate with traffic controllers, drivers, and other signalpeople when necessary. 

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Personality Type


  • Railway framework legislation

    Know and apply railway framework legislation where requirements for railways in the EU are established. Know legislation that applies to the field of cross-border freight transit.

  • Signal box parts

    Know and understand the structures located besides railway tracks known as signal boxes, interlocking towers, signal posts, and signal cabins, from which signals, points, and other equipment are controlled.

  • Signal boxes

    The different kinds of signal boxes, such as older signal boxes utilising levers and manual equipment, LED-based panel signal boxes, and integrated electronic systems.

  • Level crossing regulations

    Know and understand regulations and legal procedures applicable to level crossings. Ensure regulations relating to safety are complied with at all times.


  • Communicate verbal instructions

    Communicate transparent instructions. Ensure that messages are understood and followed correctly.

  • Follow strict level crossing operating procedures

    Follow strict procedures for the operation of level crossings such as operating the lights, alarms, and signal devices to prevent accidents. Operate equipment that lift and descend barriers. Stay vigilant during headways.

  • Operate railway warning systems

    Operate and maintain grade crossing warning systems, signals and railroad signal equipment such as hot box detectors and interlocks.

  • Operate LED-based panel signal boxes

    Work with high tech LED-based signal boxes; a signaller flips switches and pushes buttons to manipulate train movements on stretches of track up to 50 miles long.

  • Stay alert

    Stay focused and alert at all times; react quickly in the case of unexpected events. Concentrate and do not get distracted performing a task over a long period of time.

  • Follow given instructions

    Follow instructions to achieve goals and meet deadlines.

  • Operate train signalling equipment

    Operate train signals to indicate whether or not train drivers may proceed; manipulate light signals or barriers; control direction of trains by moving points.

  • Read railway circuit plans

    Read and comprehend circuit plans during initial construction, during troubleshooting, maintenance, and testing activities and while repairing or replacing components.

  • Apply signalling control procedures

    Control train movements; operate railway signals and block systems to ensure that trains operate safely, on correct routes, and on time.

  • Operate barriers at level crossings

    Operate gates and barriers at level crossings according to messages and indications provided by signal boxes. Follow procedures to lift or descend bars and gates in order to alert traffic and pedestrians, ensuring that there are no dangers on site.

  • Cooperate with colleagues

    Cooperate with colleagues in order to ensure that operations run effectively.

  • Follow signalling instructions

    Follow signalling instructions throughout the journey. Comprehend the technical language used by signallers and adhere to instructions given by them.

  • Test railway signalling equipment

    Test signalling equipment (signal lights and communication devices) utilised in railways and train yards, such as train instrument panel lights, the lights along each track, flashing red signal lights, and/or the alarms at each crossing.

  • Operate railway control panels

    Operate various types of railway control panels such as Individual Function Switch (IFS), One Control Switch (OCS) or Entrance Exit (NX).

  • Plan railway incident mitigation measures

    Plan, anticipate, and develop mitigation measures to respond to rail incidents, unexpected situations, and emergencies.

  • Compile railway signalling reports

    Compile reports in the field of railway signalling; reports may include information on section of track inspected, repairs executed or tests performed, and the pieces of equipment that require repair or replacement.

  • Ensure compliance with railway regulation

    Ensure compliance with all railway rules, procedures, and legal regulations relating to safety, operations, and EU frameworks.

  • Operate railway lever frames

    Operate mechanical lever frames housed in signal boxes. Understand different applications of levers such as interlocking or signal receiving; read and comprehend the track diagram and signalling layout mounted above the lever frame. Operate hand-powered interlockings, power frames, mechanical, pneumatic or electric levers.

  • Enforce railway safety regulations

    Promote and enforce safety procedures and EU regulations to ensure that railway safety is generally maintained and continuously improved, taking into consideration the development of European legislation.

  • Operate railway switches

    Operate railroad switches to control the direction of trains in order to route them to their destinations.

Optional knowledge and skills

maintain railway signal equipment liaise with railway stakeholders in relation to accident investigations carry out railway accident investigations

Source: Sisyphus ODB