Profession lime kiln operator

Lime kiln operators control equipment that burns limestone to produce lime or carbon dioxide. They control the flow of the materials, fuel, and air and observe the material flow, air, temperature, fuel charts, and oxygen gauges and make adjustments if necessary. They also keep production records.

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  • Transfer quicklime

    Transfer the quicklime through the conveyors.

  • Handle hot limestone

    Handle hot limestone by scooping it using a shovel in order to prepare the samples to be analysed.

  • Control limestone flow

    Control the flow of limestone by adjusting the scale of flow into the kiln using rheostats.

  • Manage kiln ventilation

    Managing a product specific and energy efficient kiln ventilation.

  • Write batch record documentation

    Write reports on the manufactured batches history taking into account the raw data, tests performed and compliance to GMP of each batch of product.

  • Tend lime-kiln

    Tend the lime-kiln and related equipment to burn limestone in order to produce carbon dioxide or lime.

  • Produce slaked lime

    Produce slaked lime by transfering the quicklime from the storage tank to the dissolvation tanks where quicklime is mixed with water.

  • Optimise production processes parameters

    Optimise and maintain the parameters of the production process such as flow, temperature or pressure.

  • Prepare chemical samples

    Prepare the specific samples such as gas, liquid or solid samples in order for them to be ready for analysis, labeling and storing samples according to specifications.

Optional knowledge and skills

mechanics manage waste maneuver stone blocks ensure operability of protective equipment personal protective equipment maintain equipment operate forklift tend drawing kiln perform kiln maintenance

Source: Sisyphus ODB