Profession Marina attendant

Marina attendants sell fuel and other products and provide services such as fuelling, cleaning, lubricating and performing minor repairs to vehicles. They are responsible for keeping the marina grounds clean and operating.

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Personality Type

Related professions attendant, guard

  • Air marshal
  • Airport attendant
  • Beach patrolman
  • Bike shed attendant
  • Bodyguard
  • Border inspector
  • Bouncer, doorman
  • Building caretaker
  • Car parking attendant
  • Coastguard
  • Doorkeeper
  • Fair ground attendant
  • First line supervisor of protective service workers
  • First-aid attendant
  • Guard industrial site
  • Leisure park attendant
  • Lifeguard
  • Museum attendant
  • Private detective
  • Public park attendant
  • Security guard
  • Town watchman
  • Traffic attendant (station)
  • Traffic attendant (train, tram, metro, bus)

Source: Sisyphus ODB